Eurotrip anxiety


Well-known member
I've decided to go on a school trip to Europe. We will stop in Paris, Brussles, Amsterdam, and London. I REALLY want to go, but the more I think about it the anxious I get. What happens if I have a panic attack on the plane? What will happen if I keep having panic attack while I'm there!? What if I'm too anxious to eat? What happens if I get lost? Its TWO weeks long and cost $3,500 dollars.. I can't just back out at the last minute.

I'm really tripping out guys! Should I just not go?

Off The Wall

Well-known member
what happens if you don't have a panic attack?

What happens if everything tastes so good you can't stop eating?

What happens if you don't get lost?

What happens if you actually enjoy yourself?
DO IT! like the cliche, live ur life to its fullest! I look back on my middle / high school years and wish i could go back in time and do more than just studying, that would fix a lot of problems i have now.


Well-known member
Go! You're going with your class, right? If you stick with the class, chances are you won't get lost. Do you have a friend who's going with you?


I recently had to fly to Europe to visit my grandparents, when the plane was taking off I got the biggest panic attack of my life I almost vomited and passed out at the same time.


Well-known member
Thanks cyberboy.. that fills me with positve thoughts...XD

Harley... i have no idea whos going, its open to everyone on campus.. i tried to get some of my friends to go, but they couldnt afford it.

Maybe i will have fun.. but im just worried Im going to end up ruining it for myself by being all nervous. >.<


Staff member
best way to conquer panic attacks is to ride them out

hope you enjoy your visit to the UK too :)


Well-known member
those "what if" thoughts. too consuming before the trip.
probably more normal than you would think
i had them too...and
i had a BLAST in Europe
absolutely don't hesitate - GO!!
and enjoy yourself