Emotional Sponge


Well-known member
Does anyone else suffer from this. By definition it is the ability to really feel others emotions easily. It can be linked to having psychic abilities which is great, but I have found it completely contributes to my inability to be around people very much. I find it fascinating that some people never are effected by others emotions-how wonderful and freeing! I cannot imagine what that must be like.

If you suffer from this here's a good read on how to help keep yourself safe from others emotions. I am hoping maybe to implement some of these things and see if they help me. I definitely withdraw a lot more because of this, and wonder if it's why I am introverted and need to live away from people.

I worked with a woman last yr who was in an abusive relationship and it about cleaned me out, plus dug up wounds for me. That was so exhausting mentally I had to quit.

What are your experiences with this if any? Does anyone else know what this feels like?

How to Stop Absorbing Other People


Well-known member
ME, ME!! I am so grateful to hear I am not alone in here. I mentioned it once before and I could hear the proverbial crickets in the forum. Yes, I am totally effected by others emotions and I don't know what to think about it. I know I feel it, and have wondered if I am an empath, or just really good at reading people? I don't know. I do know that there are times I can walk in a store feeling fine, and suddenly I feel someone, someone sad or upset. After I leave it stops (this doesn't happen every time.) Freaks me out. One more disturbing things I experience is feeling energy from a house or place. It's like history has come alive. It's freaky as hell.
I always worry people judge me as crazy or that I think it's "cool" to be "special" but honestly, this isn't fun and I would give my left one for the freedom from this "gift" as it is exhausting and terrifying at times. I just want to deal with my OWN feelings, not the whole worlds.
My kids were whining earlier. It literally sucks the life out of me and their words were literally painful to my body. Is that what you experience? Is this all in my head?
Thanks for the link, I plan to use it.
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Well-known member
Sponge Girls Unite!!

..wait that sounded weird.

Yes I get that all the time, a complete stranger is in a panic or someone is grumpy at the grocery store check out I don't even have to know who they are and bam! Like that I am in a bad mood. It is the worst "gift" ever! Relationships can be beyond challenging. I can only imagine how that must be with little ones around.

I have to figure out a way to make it useful in my life somehow.

TBH I don't get any ghost energies, I try really hard to and go to creepy places just to get them and nothing happens. I have sensed spirits of past people in places in nature like where Native Americans have been. I get a lot of that kind of energy but nothing from buildings or houses, stuff in nature though a lot. Like the desert, I get a ton of energy from that region.


Well-known member
Sponge Girls Unite!!

..wait that sounded weird.

Yes I get that all the time, a complete stranger is in a panic or someone is grumpy at the grocery store check out I don't even have to know who they are and bam! Like that I am in a bad mood. It is the worst "gift" ever! Relationships can be beyond challenging. I can only imagine how that must be with little ones around.

I have to figure out a way to make it useful in my life somehow.

TBH I don't get any ghost energies, I try really hard to and go to creepy places just to get them and nothing happens. I have sensed spirits of past people in places in nature like where Native Americans have been. I get a lot of that kind of energy but nothing from buildings or houses, stuff in nature though a lot. Like the desert, I get a ton of energy from that region.
I can't even relate to you how it feels knowing I'm not alone. It's like floating on a raft in the middle of the ocean alone and then seeing a ship.... only in this case it turns out to be another chick on a raft so we are both screwed, but at least we have company, lol!

sponge girls!.... Square pants!
I'll help you write our theme song, haha!


Well-known member
Does anyone else suffer from this. By definition it is the ability to really feel others emotions easily. It can be linked to having psychic abilities which is great, but I have found it completely contributes to my inability to be around people very much. I find it fascinating that some people never are effected by others emotions-how wonderful and freeing! I cannot imagine what that must be like.

If you suffer from this here's a good read on how to help keep yourself safe from others emotions. I am hoping maybe to implement some of these things and see if they help me. I definitely withdraw a lot more because of this, and wonder if it's why I am introverted and need to live away from people.

I worked with a woman last yr who was in an abusive relationship and it about cleaned me out, plus dug up wounds for me. That was so exhausting mentally I had to quit.

What are your experiences with this if any? Does anyone else know what this feels like?

How to Stop Absorbing Other People

YES! I was just reading about Empaths. It describes me to a tee. Read this!

10 Ways to Thrive if You’re Highly Sensitive | Cultivating Contentment & Happiness
Kinda sounds like what is known as being empathetic and compassionate. I think most people feel this. The ones who lack this ability are classified as psychopathic/sociopathic.


Well-known member
Kinda sounds like what is known as being empathetic and compassionate. I think most people feel this. The ones who lack this ability are classified as psychopathic/sociopathic.

There's degrees of it and most people do fall in the lower spectrum but when it's debilitating is what I am talking about. Like what the article was speaking of. When I am around someone who's angry, not even at me, I become so distressed I have to leave the room. The average person can just hang out and blow it off.

I know so many people with little empathy and compassion who are not psychopaths/sociopaths. They function just fine and care just enough.
Yeah. I think it is all on the same spectrum. What you describe might be the other end of the extreme. Whereas, psychopathic is on the opposite extreme. I think what you have to realize is how others feel it is not your responsibility. I used to struggle with this too.


Well-known member
Yeah. I think it is all on the same spectrum. What you describe might be the other end of the extreme. Whereas, psychopathic is on the opposite extreme. I think what you have to realize is how others feel it is not your responsibility. I used to struggle with this too.

The difference is that I literally FEEL the energy off of people. I can't explain how it works, I don't like it, but I feel it. It's not the same as feeling sorry for someone. It's okay if you don't understand this concept, but for those of us suffering from it, it is important to have support and not have naysayers telling us what we feel isn't real. We didn't ask to feel energy, it is quite a painful existence.

As for being sensitive, I am also sensitive to other things. Before it rains my entire spine feels like pins and needles as if electricity is in the air, I am sensitive to chemicals and noise. In general, I am like an open wound. Sensitive to everything.


Well-known member
That's really intense! I get the feeling you are super-gifted. You seem like you're spiritual too. Have you always had this gift? What have you done with it?


Well-known member
That's really intense! I get the feeling you are super-gifted. You seem like you're spiritual too. Have you always had this gift? What have you done with it?
I am spiritual, I have had many spiritual experiences. I will share with anyone interested but hesitate to post them openly because there are so many in the forum who don't believe. (I hate singling myself out for criticism.)
I have struggled with this "gift" for quite some time because I guess even I am skeptical of it. I wonder if it's real, or if I'm just crazy. :kickingmyself:
I am not sure if I was born this way or what, but it is increasing in intensity as I get older.
I wonder if I "asked for it" by participating in the seeking of proof of God and also experimented with some occult things when I was younger. I read that even participating in baptism (even as a child) is being a participant in a ritual that will open you up to the realm of spirituality as you are asking for God to come into your life.

(On a side note: revealing my beliefs makes me feel naked and embarrassed. I am afraid that everyone will think I am a total nut... but still, I think it's worth talking about and I am who I am, eccentricities and all. SOCIAL ANXIETY SUCKS!)


Well-known member
Totally Identify. Im so codependent.
I spent alot of years carrying others and their & my mental baggage around.
Im exhausted
I cant be bothered
People are work
And i just dont experience reciprocity too much
And if you get
You owe
Enoughs enough


Ugh I feel you. It's exhausting. I'm more like this in a narcissistic, low self-esteem way. If I'm with someone and they are upset - I get equally (or more) upset. ALWAYS. Either I think I did something, even if they have confirmed otherwise - or I freak out and get upset because I can't do anything to help.