Eat too much?


Well-known member
Does anyone else eat too damn much and not know how to stop? I know it's mostly boredom but I hate, hate, hate being beholden to something I can't stop thinking about. I mean, I'm obsessed. I shoot my sugar to the ceiling first thing in the morning just to be able to function and then I have to keep overloaded in case of the dreaded crash. I live in fear of caffine headaches. If I don't have a pain in my stomach from eating too much I'll have to start feeling real emotions, which is not on. My metabolism is still pretty solid, so I'm not fat yet but I know I won't be able to rely on that for the rest of my life. How do I take control when I have no control. If the great and powerful Oprah can't even do it, how is a mere weak and feeble mortal, such as moi, supposed to cope?

Actually I feel better now. Thanks for listening.


Well-known member
hi m

i am the opposite.i can't get myself to eat sometimes.Have you tried working out a bit?you dont have to leave the house to do it.just some simple staff.this way u can eat the same but your body will use what you eat in a way that will make you feel good.maybe u dont have to give up an amount of food but instead build a good habit

I do when there is food, I'll eat it all. Fortunately, my house usually lacks of this thing called food, especially the kind of stuff I would just keep eating and eating. You can't eat what isn't there. It's also good because my metabolism isn't very fast at all.


Well-known member
Oh, most of the time I don't eat enough. I've went a whole week (on numerous occasions) surviving off of potatoe chips, candy and water. A lot of times I'll be hungry and for some reason I won't have an appetite for anything (other than water). But lately I've been eating like a normal person lol. I've never understood the whole "eating out of boredom/depression" thing. But then again, I guess I would eat a lot more if I had my own personal chef, or if I had enough money to order steak and shrimp everyday lol. When I'm bored or depressed, food is usually the last thing on my mind.


Well-known member
Maybe I'll try Psych's approach and give all my food to the homeless. Or better yet, have my jaw wired shut (it's not like I talk). As for the rest of you, what do you do when you're not eating?


Well-known member
I have a problem with this too. I eat when I'm bored, and since I'm bored ALL DAY...I tend to eat more than I need to. I just like tasting things. :) I'm seriously really surprised that I'm not 30 lbs heavier right now.


Well-known member
I really eat too much crap, I eat when I'm happy, when I'm upset, when I'm stressed, I just stuff the food in my face, and I really have a hard time controlling, it just seems like the only one thing that brings me pleasure in hard times. And no, I'm not slim at all, I need to lose weight and yet I'm eating myself to death, that's how I feel, its like I'm eating so much I feel like I am experiencing heart burn and not able to breath properly. I thought about losing tons of weight, look different and get a new life elsewhere, maybe a new job, a new school, anything, but somehow, I always end up eating again::(:


Well-known member
Yes, I too find comfort in food when I am stressed or when I am bored. My weight really ballooned in the last few years but I have brought it down a lot in the last year. Still sometimes I overeat out of the same reasons.