
Is driving a problem for anyone else? It's not getting hurt that I'm afraid of, it's making a mistake or doing something stupid. I didn't start until I was 18 because it scared me. I'm 19 and I'm able to do it now, but I will never, ever enjoy it.

Today I accidentally cut someone off. I felt bad enough after that, but they happened to be going to the same place I was and gave me an earful about how I couldn't drive. I feel like I'm a hazard to people on the road. I don't want to drive anymore, but I have to if I want to go to college or work.


Well-known member
You're not the only one. Driving is a major problem for me. I didn't get my license until I was 18, even though I could have gotten it at 17. I was so afraid (and still am) of getting into an accident. My OCD can actually get really bad before I drive somewhere. I don't know very many people that look at driving as an opportunity to get into an accident, but I can't seem to rid the thought from my mind.

Even though I got my license at 18, I didn't get a car until March (I'm now 20). It was really embarrassing having family drive me everywhere, and they were getting so frustrated with me. I enjoy driving at times, but it can also make me nervous. My car hasn't left my driveway in two weeks, although I have to go somewhere tomorrow. I'll be driving a lot more soon, because I start school in September.

Driving should be fun, so try not to worry too much. Easier said than done, I know!


Active member
When I started driving, I hated it. My parents would always want me to drive whenever we needed to go somewhere and I would always have to make an excuse, bargain, or whine my way out of it (it never worked, but i kept trying). But really, give it some time, or a lot of time, and driving won't be a problem at all. It's just something you get used to, especially if you do it everyday. I enjoy driving now, it's a time to sort of observe the world in a way, drive fast, drive slow, whatever. It's also a way for me relieve stress (making fun of people who drive waaayyyy too fast and recklessly)


Well-known member
fear is a good thing when driving. it's not good to be petrified but a certain amount of fear shows respect for the road and for lives. the more experience you have driving, the more confident you will become so don't worry! every driver starts as a noob and makes mistakes. now, i'm sure you will be extra cautious every time you change lanes (check mirrors and turn to look in blind spots). as long as you learn from your mistakes and are not being an airhead about driving, you'll be fine.
EvilFlyingCow said:
It's strange... I have extreme social phobia, but when I get on the road, it all goes away. I have road rage. At every stop light I feel the urge to race the car next to me. And things that other cars do, for instance, cutting me off, really piss me off and I have the tenancy to speed up and cut them off.

That's not so strange. When writing this post I thought I was strange because while it makes sense to feel safe inside a steel box, I feel out in the open and vulnerable.

I don't really think the fear is good =\ I have bad judgement when I'm nervous. I do think I'm getting better overall, though.


Well-known member
You are completely right about being safe inside a steel box. Since your fear is not that of getting hurt, but rather making a mistake or looking stupid, maybe you should think of driving more as a fun activity. For instance, I go to a university where it is very hard to find a parking space. So I turn it into a game while trying to find a parking spot. I time myself. And to find a spot here, you have to drive very aggressively and follow pedestrians to their cars, while competing with other cars that are trying to park. Face it -- most of the people in the other cars on the road will never see your face or know who you are, so if you make a mistake and they honk at you, just flip them the bird. It will make you feel much better... trust me :)


Well-known member
EvilFlyingCow said:
You are completely right about being safe inside a steel box. Since your fear is not that of getting hurt, but rather making a mistake or looking stupid, maybe you should think of driving more as a fun activity. For instance, I go to a university where it is very hard to find a parking space. So I turn it into a game while trying to find a parking spot. I time myself. And to find a spot here, you have to drive very aggressively and follow pedestrians to their cars, while competing with other cars that are trying to park. Face it -- most of the people in the other cars on the road will never see your face or know who you are, so if you make a mistake and they honk at you, just flip them the bird. It will make you feel much better... trust me :)

haha i love flipping people off. i don't do it often but when they deserve it- up goes the finger. that's right, bitch. very satisfying! FUCK YOU ASSHOLE!!!!!!! oh and i cuss like a sailor as soon as i get behind the wheel- no holds barred.