

Active member
Another one of those "are we all like this, or is it just me..." threads.

I have incredibly realistic dreams, I am completely sold every time and think its reality. They are long, detailed and sometimes a bit strange. I wake up exhausted because the dreams are so realistic I don't feel like I've slept, if that makes any sense.

Another thing, I often dream of dying in my dreams, usually by plane crash, but I don't find it concerning at all. In my dream I feel myself bracing for it, anticipating what will come in an incredibly realistic way, but not actually fearing it. Does this show a rather blasé attitude to death, or is it merely a dream?

Opinions welcome, I hope this doesn't seem like attention seeking, I actually quite enjoy the whole thing, except for the tiredness, just interested if anyone else is the same.


New member
yea i know what you mean, sometimes i dream of dying and I wake feeling like it actually happened... it feels really realistic.
Like i get shot, or someone else murders me.
I dont find it disturbing in any way... i also enjoy it, which sounds weird.

However, I think it's just a dream. I read on the internet once that its actually a good thing to dream about your own death, it means your moving on in life and are taking a new approach to things... if that makes any sense...


Well-known member
Hi Flaming_Badger. Just curious. Are you scared of death when you are awake?

I used to dream of disasters such as plane crashes, tsunamis, ferry disasters but since I have started to tackle my anxiety, I have been having more pleasant, yet more surreal dreams.


Active member
this may sound weird but i always have a dream of finally getting a girlfriend then when i wake up i am hugely disapointed because it seemed so real and i actually had thoughts in my dream of "finally i did it" ....

ya i know. weird, and probly a little pathetic, but w/e.


Well-known member
My dreams are often very realistic. And I often dream about unknown places and events, and weird things such as a person with two bodies, strange paranormal events, sometimes even other creatures. Weird but intriguing when they are not nightmares. Some great ideas come to my mind thanks to my dreams.
One of my nightmares is about being in elevator or falling from a big height.


Well-known member
Well medication can cause weird ultra-realistic dreams
When i was on Effexor i would have dreams so realastic that it semt more real then real life.
I wouldnt know it was a dream till someones head blew up or something strange like that. And even when i realized it was a dream I couldnt wake myself up and it kept going like a movie.


Active member
I never die in my dreams. Recently they threw me into the sea in my dream. I was like drowned and dead. But a few seconds (i don't know, it can also be minutes or hours) later second part started and i was rescued by the same guys who threw me into water.

My favorite dreams are the ones that i'm kissed by a beautiful woman.
This is easy... "nobody loved me, nobody made me feel alone"


My dreams often involve disasters, terrorists, zombies, etc. I used to die in them when I was a kid, but not anymore. I think dreams are fun. They're like well-made roller coasters, because they can be scary or thrilling, but no one really gets hurt in them. 8)


I think almost everyone has crazy dreams like that every once in a while. I once had a dream that a friend and I drove off the roof of a parking garage. But as the car was falling I wasn't scared, I just accepted that it was the end, like I had achieved some sort of zen or something. The weird thing was I didn't wake up when we landed. I was pinned upside down in the car as a few people approached it, really freaked me out.

A couple nights ago I had a dream I went to my old job and killed six people with a samurai sword. Then I went to prison, but it was a cool prison where I didn't get raped and there was an arcade...