Dreading an event? Try this technique!

Not to preach on (as I'm about to do yet again), but I've tried this great technique which is really simple - it really really helps if you've got an event that yoy're really stressing about, or something that you're putting off but you know eventually you'll have to do. Honestly, it works.

I got this from Tony Robbins, who says that the 6 basic human needs are certainty, variety, significance, love and connection, growth and contribution. Tony says that pretty much anything can meet these 6 needs; you just have to think about it and change your perspective. I've used this on a few things - a family wedding which I had been absolutely dreading; cutting up a melon in the fridge (yes seriously, I'm that lazy sometimes); cleaning the house - you'd be amazed at the list you can get out of that one! Today, I wrote out how holding my parents evening and meeting 27 parents will meet these 6 needs. It really helped! So all you do is take a pen and paper, sit down and write out how this thing you're dreading gives you certainty, variety, how it makes you feel significant, how it helps you to gain love and connection (even if it's just you stood doing ironing, thinking about all the people you're grateful for), how it helps you grow and how it helps you contribute/or how it contributes to you! Hope that makes sense - hands tired......

I've written it all out on my blog littlemissteacherlady if you're interested enough to read and want an example. So simple! I was about 8 on the anxiety scale before I did this activity, now I'm about 3. I'm going to read this list every day for three weeks until parents evening, and try my best to get excited about this wonderful opportunity! (Still skeptical but struggling on!)

Just thought I'd share this tip as it's really helped me! xxx


Well-known member
Interesting! I read your blog entry, and I've just got to say thanks for sharing it. I've got to see someone on Friday for the first time, an appointment, which I know I'll be dreading on the morning, so I'll remember this and try it out.

Thanks again for sharing it. I really like your always-positive attitude by the way.
Thank you Niteowl! I hope it helps. I would def try it out for this appointment. Then keep re-reading it.

On friday I would maybe try and do exercise before your appointment to get rid of any excess adrenaline. Do some deep breathing too. And visualise everything going well!

Hope all goes well :) xx


Well-known member
Absolutely love Tony Robbins stuff (I have watched and listened to a lot of it). Got me through some bad times too.

Awesome stuff!


Well-known member
Thanks for the further advice!

I have a pretty good feeling about the appointment right now, especially since reading this thread. I've bookmarked your blog, so that I can go back to that particular entry again closer to the time, but I like the rest of your posts too. I admire what is clearly a passion for teaching even in the face of social anxiety, and again, your positive outlook on your situation: "I’ve still got some way to go, but there is definite progress. Whatever happens, I’m ready for the challenge." A lot of people could find inspiration in your blog.


Well-known member
Thanks for the further advice!

I have a pretty good feeling about the appointment right now, especially since reading this thread. I've bookmarked your blog, so that I can go back to that particular entry again closer to the time, but I like the rest of your posts too. I admire what is clearly a passion for teaching even in the face of social anxiety, and again, your positive outlook on your situation: "I’ve still got some way to go, but there is definite progress. Whatever happens, I’m ready for the challenge." A lot of people could find inspiration in your blog.

You will find if you listen to people like Tony you will start thinking like this! I have always thought like this so for me listening to Tony just strengthened that in me more and made me realise my core features when I was very down and feeling like I can't go on. All as it takes is one good quote from Tony and the likes and I can sometimes get back to myself and back on track.

You should definitley give him a listen. Good luck with your appointment! :)
A quote I love is "as long as you are breathing, there is more right with you than wrong" - that was from Jon Kabat-Zinn though not Tony :)


Well-known member
I will do, thanks! I've just watched a few videos of him talking, on YouTube, and I quite like him already. He puts it so clearly, and it makes me think. Not only do I have the appointment on Friday (thanks for the 'good luck', by the way - appreciated!), but I've got to go out on Saturday night with family and strangers. That's two opportunities to do it right, and come out feeling good about myself. I need to believe that nothing can go wrong in either situation. Nothing can go wrong, and there's nothing I should be afraid of.

I'll see if I can convince myself of that on the occasions, though - here's hoping! It's nice that you also have that positive way of thinking - it's very admirable.
Thanks guys, always keen to share!

Tony Robbins is great. He definitely reminds you of things that are very simple but that you've forgotten. I would also recommend pail McKenna, change your life in 7 days. I have his instant confidence phone app too and it's brilliant - little video techniques that you can practise in minutes before work, on breaks etc.

I think something that's really important, is expecting something to go wrong and accepting it. Like I said, I've made progress. Old me would have just focused on the fact I was still having panic attacks when speaking publically and still not the charismatic social butterfly I long to be. Now, I just accept the nerves and whilst I don't like them, I observe them and notice whether they're less bad than before. If you're at rock bottom the only way is up!!!

Try thoughts diaries too. They really help rationalise that you don't know what everyone is thinking. Hope this helps xx