dont u hate when u say hi and they say nothing back...


Well-known member
These sorts of mindless exchanges are simply people "going through the motions". People like to think it's common courtesy, and sometimes it is, but more often than not when people ask you how you are, they're not particularly interested. They're just following the societal script. "Oh look, there's that guy again, I should probably acknowledge his presence in some paltry meaningless way, even though I really couldn't care less if he dies tomorrow in a flaming car wreck." It's the insincerity of it all that gets me. I don't ask someone how their weekend was, or where they went for their vacation because, for the most part, I honestly don't care. And I'm too lazy to fake it. If that makes me rude or arrogant, so be it.

Reiji Moritsugu

Well-known member
These sorts of mindless exchanges are simply people "going through the motions". People like to think it's common courtesy, and sometimes it is, but more often than not when people ask you how you are, they're not particularly interested. They're just following the societal script. "Oh look, there's that guy again, I should probably acknowledge his presence in some paltry meaningless way, even though I really couldn't care less if he dies tomorrow in a flaming car wreck." It's the insincerity of it all that gets me. I don't ask someone how their weekend was, or where they went for their vacation because, for the most part, I honestly don't care. And I'm too lazy to fake it. If that makes me rude or arrogant, so be it.

Couldn´t have said it better.

People ask such questions 99% of the time not because they actually give a damn about the person they´re talking to, but rather because it´s something they just "have" to do. Even though on the inside they are thinking "This person could go die in a fire in the next five minutes as far as I care" it is so easy to notice how fake such things are that it ends up becoming irritating, for people actually get angry if you don´t act in the same way as them;

[guess it must be another of those instances where mankind´s amazing ability to hate anything and everything different comes to mind]

Isn´t it funny how they always say "I wish more people were sincere" or stuff like that, but can´t stand when someone is honest towards them? I just cannot fake it no matter how much I try, and since I already tried explaining it´s not because I have something against them or anything like that as I´m just being honest to no avail, I´m trying to give less and less of a damn each time. So if someone doesn´t reply I think "it´s their problem, not mine." and go my own way :)


Well-known member
I think once you stop "expecting" people to act a certain way, like responding to your greetings, then you will feel much more empowered. I used to think that everyone should act a certain way or respond in a certain way to me, but why? Why should they? Why would I want everyone to act the same?


Well-known member
Yeah, I hate it when I say 'Hi' or 'How r u?' to people that pass me @ work or something and they either don't respond at all or they just look at me and keep walking. It's so ignorant and rude on their behalf. It seems that I'm going out of my way to do so, since it's not the easiest thing to do when you're affeced with such a severe shyness. Would it really be so time-consuming to nod or wave or smile back even??


Well-known member
I don't think most people do this to be rude. If they didn't expect you to say hi it's possible that they were actually so surprised when you did that they just didn't know how to respond. Or maybe you have passed them before without saying hi and now they think that you don't want them to say hi to you. Or they were thinking of something else and didn't notice you saying hi. It's even possible that they were so busy thinking about their own problems that they really didn't notice you at all. There are many possible explanations. Of course, some people are just rude but that's their problem.

Smiley face

Active member
so Hoth is that kind of thing cool? does it make you more dominant or superior? does it make you look more cool or mature or something? why do you do it? should everyone who is cool do this?

if someone says hi to me I don't go out of my way to say hi back but I at least nod or I look at them, and kinda put on an easy going face. I try not to look all serious and shit. Sometimes I wonder why they say hi to me though.. and it may make me look suspicious..

Yes, it is cool. >: , join the club. But only do it to the jerks and not the people who always respond or say hi back :) I'm sure Hoth would agree :)


Well-known member
Maybe you're not saying "hi" loud enough? That happens to me quite a lot. When I go into work I have to walk by the receptionist and she usually says hi, hello, good morning, etc, but sometimes she doesn't, so I will try to say hi or good morning, but I get no reaction out of her. Like it definitely seems like I didn't even say it loud enough.

But if people are just not saying "hi" to you to be rude, then that's messed up.


Active member
Yes, I am serious. When someone says "How are you?" and they respond with "I'm here" sounds so stupid. It must have been some "in" thing to say for awhile because I don't hear it anymore. Hell, I know that they are there.
I do hate when I say hi to people and they don't say hi back. It makes me feel as if I am being ignored and maybe that I should have never said anything in the first place. That's why sometimes I don't say hi until the other person says it.


Well-known member
I do hate when I say hi to people and they don't say hi back. It makes me feel as if I am being ignored and maybe that I should have never said anything in the first place. That's why sometimes I don't say hi until the other person says it.

i used to do that too.But i stopped caring.most of the times i am the one who is gonna say hi!and is their choice to ignore me or say it back.if they don't, they are just rude.their problem,not feels better than the 'what if' feeling i get when i don't say hi