Does the internet ever make you forget?


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I find myself often looking at videos and reading about things on the web and living almost in a different world. Then I hear someone in the house talking or whatnot and I suddenly remember, "Oh yeah, I'm just this awkward person spending about 90% of the summer vacation in my house." Lol. It's quite depressing. And I hate being depressed.

I want to do so many things with my life and have a better outlook, but it just seems so out of reach at times like this.


Well-known member
I find myself often looking at videos and reading about things on the web and living almost in a different world. Then I hear someone in the house talking or whatnot and I suddenly remember, "Oh yeah, I'm just this awkward person spending about 90% of the summer vacation in my house." Lol. It's quite depressing. And I hate being depressed.

I want to do so many things with my life and have a better outlook, but it just seems so out of reach at times like this.
yes i completely understand that, it's how i've been feeling today. i sometimes spend half the day up in my room ::(: i hate being a recluse


Well-known member
I just wish that I had ONE PERSON outside of my immediate family that I could spend some time with on a semi-regular basis OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL or other places where you are forced to be with them. I think people call those kinds of people "friends"... hm

I have a few "school-friends", but you guys know what those are like. It ends with the school day. You don't see them during vacations, they don't really care, etc. I've lost all my close friends (in real life that is). I have a few (sometimes it just feels like one) people on the internet right now that I feel I can share things with. Even with him though I get the feeling he's just being nice to me... Even though I've known him quite a while.
Oh, yeah.. Totally. In fact, I spend so much time online that I'm starting to forget my native language. It's quite embarrassing sometimes.. ^W^;


Well-known member
I sometimes wish I had a reason to go out and hang around with people. I play games with some friends almost every week, but I don't count sitting around with gaming geeks as really "doing something." The internet at least allows me to communicate with other people every now and then without discussing some type of in-game stuff.

Rather than forget, the internet lets me avoid. And that's really not too helpful for me.
The internet is pretty much my life. I sometimes think if I never had the internet and thus nothing to distract me from reality, I would make more effort to change and improve my real life instead of wasting it away staring at my computer screen.
I have a few "school-friends", but you guys know what those are like. It ends with the school day. You don't see them during vacations, they don't really care, etc.

These are pretty much the only kinds of friends I've ever had... "school-friends" or "work-friends," where you're able to talk about things, laugh and joke around etc., but you never see them outside of work. I guess these people have the potential to become "real" friends, but I'm just too scared to take initiative and ask them to hang out sometime.

I also live on the internet... or in books that I read. It's always depressed me that I have no idea how to "live" for real.


my laptop is on 24/7 i do all my dealings on the net, wtach evrything on pc broswe websites all day

when i was about 15-16 id play pc games like 15 hrs a day and never excersise i wus bit addicted so now i wont sit for too long ill do excerise during the day


Well-known member
It does make a nice place to go and forget.

One of my favorite things to do is get lost on wikipedia following links and absorbing absolutely useless information.


Well-known member
youtube is the best website ever invented and when i had a stint at renting and i had ADSL connected i recall spending alot of time watching music videos and documentaries and comedy on youtube. best website ever ...

wikipedia is also really informative and there are some great websites to visit

i love the fact that there are forums where people with similar interests can come together because its way in harder in real life to reach that same level but its probably more rewarding
I've just become so used to interacting with people online that it's strange and scary to socialise with 'real' people. Anxiety and social interaction have always went hand-in-hand with me but it's gotten worse since I started spending ninety five percent of my waking hours on the net.
Virtual Insanityyyyyyyyy.

Futures made of virtual insanity
Now always seem to be governed by this love we have
For useless, twisting of our new technology
Oh there's no sound for we all live underground


Well-known member
I just wish that I had ONE PERSON outside of my immediate family that I could spend some time with on a semi-regular basis OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL or other places where you are forced to be with them. I think people call those kinds of people "friends"... hm

I have a few "school-friends", but you guys know what those are like. It ends with the school day. You don't see them during vacations, they don't really care, etc. I've lost all my close friends (in real life that is). I have a few (sometimes it just feels like one) people on the internet right now that I feel I can share things with. Even with him though I get the feeling he's just being nice to me... Even though I've known him quite a while.

You sound exactly like me. I had people that I talked with in school, but once that last bell rang, that's it. We never hung out outside of school.

But yeah, sometimes I get so lost in what I'm going on the Internet or videos I'm watching and then it's just like, "oh yeah, it's Saturday night. Most "normal" people my age are hanging out right now and having a grand ole time, while I'm just sitting here by myself..."

Honestly, I would suggest reading some self-improvement books. I've been reading them a lot lately and I swear they've been helping. Usually I would get all down and I would be feeling bad about myself, and I just really hate feeling so depressed like that. I think the book, "Awaken The Giant Within" by Anthony Robbins is really great.


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That doesn't happen often when I'm online, but occasionally it does. It usually happens when I'm reading, watching dvd's, listening to an audiobook, etc. though.


Well-known member
The internet doesn't make me forget, its just a way of spending time for me. Reading does make me forget though, when I read, its like I'm absorbed into the book, I forget about everything else.