Just curious to any APDs that may still kick the tires around here, does social media help, hinder or have no effect on your ability to connect with people?
Speaking for myself, things like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc. (almost exclusively Twitter for me) have helped take the edge off of the isolation. But I'm not using them to actively socialize or start offline friendships. So I'm curious if they have helped any of you.
Social Media helped me a lot. I, honestly, believe it has plenty of benefits for a person with social phobia. First of all, being anonymous. This is one of the reasons why I use applications like Snapchat, Tiktok and Instagram, due to their wide popularity and ease of use. The messages you send to eachother can be deleted, they notify you if someone takes a screenshot of the conversation, and you can send voice messages. It's a good way to rehearse and practice your speech and communication skills. I wouldn't recommend social media as a source of getting rid of loneliness cuz at the end of the day we still need face to face social contact cuz we are social creatures after all, but social media is a good venue to practice your social skills.
Social Media is for everyone, including people like us, who are for the most part recluse. I've known judgemental, close minded people who think social media is for people who are shallow and extroverted and like attention. But no, that's not true. I've met many down to earth people who also struggle with social phobia in social media. I wouldn't recommend whatsapp as it requires sharing numbers, there are many crazy people out there. I've had people online come up to me and ask for my number to chat, but I'm so glad I never shared my number, cuz these people turned out to be weird and insulting. So snap, Instagram and tiktok are what I generally recommend. Plus you can easily block weird, offensive people easily. Twitter is a bit complicated, I don't use it much.