
Get rid of myspace, it breeds negativity. Read a book by Julie Schor about consumer culture to begin, it will truely open you up to the immaturity of a culture that allows for something like myspace to thrive. Not to say that friends are bad, just living a life online is for sure. Learn to live simply by appreciating what you have, not desiring more and more (ie living in the future), and loving everyone around you. Surely you will have TRUE friends by doing this. It will help you to weed out the ones that are bad for you as well. Good luck and keep the hope alive people.


I'm so glad I found this forum! I feel like I have so much in common with all of you!

I don't have myspace...none of the kids around here do. I do have facebook though. I add the people I talk to on a regular basis, and family of course. Also the people who add me first. I don't have many friends and don't see the point. First of all, why add people you never talk to? Should they really be considered friends? And, I feel like adding 500+ friends makes you seem so insecure. So many of the people I know that have tons of friends added seem really insecure with themselves. They need to have these 'fake' friends added to gain confidence.

But, sticking to the topic, yes it makes me depressed. Completely depressed and I don't think that only applies to social anxiety sufferers! It's terrible when you see photos of peers on trips knowing that you could have been there. Or seeing them at parties thinking that will never be you. It's like a 'grass is always greener on the other side' type thing. We know it's not always true...but we still wonder.


Myspace kinda depresses me, cos no matter what I write about myself or how positively I describe myself, I can't attract anyone. I don't talk to the friends I have on it, and I don't get any friend requests. I can't even send anyone a message or a friend request cos I'm convinced that they don't want to talk to me.

I don't just repel people in real life, I can do it online, too :lol:


New member
I don't have myspace, that would make me very depressed! I would maybe have 5 friends there and that makes me sad. I also wonder what other people (who have 300 friends or something) would think... they would see that I'm a very lonely and unpopular! So I don't bother to make a page like that...


Well-known member
I find myspace utterly pointless, except -maybe- for artists and bands to make samples of their work easily available to the public.
I don't think I'll ever understand how it can be used for anything other than that.
Carstuar said:
I find myspace utterly pointless, except -maybe- for artists and bands to make samples of their work easily available to the public.
I don't think I'll ever understand how it can be used for anything other than that.

i know exactly what u mean i just dont see the meed 4 ppl 2 make friends on myspace that they already speak 2 in person, on the phone and on msn its like thay cant get enough of each other.


Well-known member
:lol: I just deleted my myspace and bebo accounts, and it feels damn more having to see pics of all those happy people!



Active member
I'd say ya...

I don't have any friends on myspace... and not many in school... and everytime I see I picture on there it seems like the picture can see me it's always the same, so I don't go on my myspace much anymore or for very long...


New member
I can identify so much with this - everytime I go on facebook, I get the same familiar feelings - thinking everyone else has more friends than me and therefore must be more likeable, hesitating to message friends, as I think 'why would they want to speak to ME, when they have other friends?' and a general sense of low self esteem and depression.


Well-known member
I feel like I am a kid at an adults' party, all the time. I find people scary anyway. But a big thing I find is when I look at some of the photos on Facebook of people I know, and they look like adults - mainly how they're dressed, I think. It makes me feel very, very intimidated. I can't believe I've talked to them in real life. I have to block these photos out of my thoughts when I do, or I'd never be able to.


Well-known member
I don't have a myspace, but my sister does. I feel really depressed when my sister comes home from school and she starts babbling on about her friends and how fun her day was. she has a cell phone and she's always texting her friends. ugh.... if i had a myspace or a cell phone... I'd have nobody to add or talk to. I really hate myself to the point of going through with suicide.


Well-known member
Social Networking sites make me feel nauseous. :? Each time I'm on one of those, I feel like throwing up, and I mean literally. Not that I want to be angry and/or sad over it. That feeling just seems to come so naturally. :cry: I tried to overcome it but it seems like it can only get worse. 8O I'm also paranoid at the thought of someone catching me checking out their profile, with my my name showing up, how embarassing that would be... :oops:


Well-known member
I have a facebook and myspace, but what's the point, I don't have friends...everyone else has hundreds...not me...and the few people i have on there, I don't even wants to adopt an Emma :cry:
I'm like a 3 legged old dog at the pound, look but don't want.....mean mean people *shakes finger* :twisted:


Well-known member
Myspace is just an odd concept. People are showcasing themselves, its like they're trying to sell themselves like a product. Which is what its like when I over hear people at college going through other peoples myspace and discussing whos good..
And it just bothers me when someone posts 80 pics of themselves in similar poses.

Having said that you know I'd have it if I wasn't a loner.


I have facebook, and I rarely log all of you guys I get depressed simply looking at the pictures and comments that all of the happy, normal people are posting back and forth. Sometimes one or two might drop by my account to say something like, "Just wanted to say hello", or, "OMG! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! YOU HAVE TO GIVE ME A CALL, NOW!". That is especially annoying...


I would delete my facebook if it weren't the only link I still have to my old friends...


Well-known member
Seriously, I can't even have one because I have no one to add, it'd be totally pointless Sad.
I was invited to join myspace by someone who I spoke to online. I just thought it was a fun thing to do and started adding friends like crazy. Then I realized this is crap and I deleted most of the friends apart from about 3 genuine people who I mail. Then I had a bright idea . As I love to take photographs of a certain place I decided to start a new myspace site for my favourite place. I now just use the site to post photos and information on "my favourite place".I find it's a fun positive thing to do. It's a popular site. I'm not popular but the place is and I am only the facilitator. :)


Well-known member
I had it for a year and explored it on occasion. I definitely ended up feeling lonely and depressed, seeing how others had tons of things to comment about, they had awesome pictures with them and friends and everyone would look so good. I stopped going on myspace once I realized the pattern of depression.