I know that a lot of people in this site must have a myspace page. I have one and i have about 253 friends and sometimes i would log in multiple times and get depressed. I get depressed because i see people's photo of them looking nice and going out and having fun and i can't do that. It sucks BIG TIME because its like they have the perfect life and i don't.


Well-known member
yeah what sucks the most is .. i am good looking ( or so i ve been told) than most ppl i know & still i am alone,single. It just sucks seeing every1 having fun while i play videogames in my room which is like a sanctuary to me.
And its not that I am sad coz i dont have a gf, i dont even have friends.
SOrry I thought i was really whiny there but i just wanted toreply :|
Day_Tripper said:
Depressed4life said:
I have one and i have about 253 friends

Woah, how old are you, and how did you meet all those people?

i am 16....from high school and some from middle school and even elementary school and ppl that i know from my parents' native land.


Well-known member
I have two accounts actually. At first, when I created my first account, I was kind'a sad to see my friend's list so few. (And I'm not the one who advertises my account just to gain my friend's list). And so the time came that my friend's list became many (about a hundred), but I don't feel contented at all because I came to realize that this account was bullshit! and most people too.... i mean, they're not really my friends. And most people just add accounts to show that they're popular but not really. It's like some kind of fake advertisement! So if I would be asked if I envy them, when I see their happy profile. Maybe in a way... but I wouldn't feel depressed. Because most of them are show-offs!

PS my second account was a "exclusively for friends only" LOL. 25 all of them. and it's actually funny how some people became intrigued by that account!

I know, a lot of ppl that i dont know add me but i decline. Specially desperate guys and i am like what the hell. Many many people have like 500 "friends" impossible...but i get depressed b.c i look at my friends picture and they all look so happy and are going out all the time. While i am at home, not shopping, using the computer or just going to the gym to lose more weight(not that i am obese)...saturday and sunday...nothing fun for me..thats depresses me...seeing ppl with nice pics and stuff :(.


Well-known member
a lot of people add people who they arnt even friends just to raise their 'friend' count.

Exactly! My sister even got above 500 friends in her account and I ask her how could she get that many and why does she add people who are even complete strangers! She said... "to meet friends, like getting to know each other" Heck! They don't even make some efforts to get to know each other. They just add and add... and that's it! Voila! You've got 500 friends! :lol:


Well-known member
I have one! I go on it almost everyday. I love decorating it and stuff. I have mostly family on there, and 1 friend. And 1 other friend who I met online. And all the others are bands. I dont really care about having lots of friends, I just like having my own little page.

But sometimes when im bored I search all my old friends and it is really depressing. Cause its sad to see they all my old friends are STILL friends to this day. And it just makes me think that if I stayed at my school then I wouldve still known them. And I would have a better life and stuff. But everything happens for a reason, and I wasnt meant to stay there....thats just what I have to tell myself.


Hi, new member here, jumping in. *waves*

Yes, I can relate. I have a LiveJournal, and sometimes I find it so depressing, that I have to stay away for a time until I get over those feelings. It's just... there are some people there that I really like and admire, and it's somehow very hurtful to see them interacting and becoming good friends with each other, talking to each other on MSN all the time, etc, and I just... wish that I could be more like that. Wish that I could be/have a friend like like. I also never seem to have any worthwhile comments to add to any discussion on their posts. It makes me feel so left out, in a way, so insecure and inferior to the others.


Well-known member
I had myspace for a few years but got rid of it when I got tired of it. I just hated when people that I don't talk to would try to add me and get upset when I didn't add them. Why would I if I never talk to them? Also, I have nothing good about my life except for my god kids. I talk to my friends on AIM, thats good enough for me.


Well-known member
I made an account just to steal some pictures from my favorite bands....oh im evil..


Well-known member
I get depressed looking at others pics sometimes sometimes I just can't even look at them, like I just had spring break and spent it alone and I can't bring myself to look at others spring break pics b/c it's too depressing. I will admit though, if someone looked at my pics they would probably think I had a lot of fun and a lot of friends, ect. but I don't, I'm just really good at faking being happy/ get drunk enough to actually be happy and anxiety free and take tons of pics then.


Well-known member
Yes, and one of my exes just requested my add, but now I feel like telling her to go to hell!! I don't have any friends, and why would I want any? I'm gay, they said they were gay, oh but now, their straight, so wtf?


Well-known member
MySpace is pretty stupid and directed mostly to people you seriously wouldn't want to hang out with. I have a main account that I rarely use unless I receive messages and an account for my music. I don't use any of those ridiculous socializing websites like facebook because it's pointless and annoying, much like most people on there.

Also, the only half-decent thing about MySpace is that you can find decent bands who aren't really 'out there'.


Well-known member
Most people on myspace don't know half of the people on their "friends"'s just one big popularity contest! :roll: :wink:

Saying that, I do have one also, but I don't go on it much at all...too depressing to see pictures of all those good-looking, happy people! :lol:


I actually just created a MySpace to see if I would make friends, I have 2 but they are my 2 brothers, I literally have no friends so yes, it makes me very depressed, I rather vent here with all of you who totally understand how I feel.