Does 'mean girls' really exist?


Well-known member
I'm not only talking about regular mean girls or what we call beeeyotch attitude. I'm talking about extraordinary popular pretty girls in a clique, particularly in school, where most students admire them and want to be part of their group. And their clique is so exclusive that girls will do everything to please them even if they are spoiled, bullies, conceited and act like they rule the school... you know, like the typical characters popular girls in chick flick.

Because I know, having social groups is common, like there are real life jocks, nerds, emos, popular girls etc. but I'm wondering if people will really allow such kind of 'Queen bee attitude' (regarding the popular girls) in real life?

I've been to school and yes, there are popular mean girls like in highschool but they don't really act high and almighty and most of the time they're ok with other students. Seriously, if somebody acts so 'VIP'sh in our school, they're the ones who'll get bullied. I mean, who would allow such 'princessy attitude' in real life?

So tell me, people. Have you met a REAL life 'Mean girls' and describe them to us. Maybe post a pic if you can. lol.


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So far, the only group of girls who come close to fitting the "mean girls" stereotype are the ones in my class in elementary school. Those girls form a clique and only certain people (mainly pretty people) can join. They gossiped about me having dandruffs on my hair. They also slapped another girl, who transferred to another school, and later the girl's mom came and threatened to sue those mean girls. I remember one of those mean girls liked a popular guy, but there was another girl who also liked the same guy, so those mean girls started telling people in class to alienate the girl. If anyone messes with a mean girl, her friends will come support her and alienate the other person.

This was in elementary school in the ghetto, and I think many kids are immature.


Well-known member
so how many are them in that clique? was there a girl leader? how did they get away with their nasty attitude? are they mean most of the time? did other students worship them?


Well-known member
I imagine it's only really a problem at larger schools. Smaller schools everyone tends to get to know everyone. Private schools might also see it more. Who's daddy is richer, that type of thing.


Well-known member
so how many are them in that clique? was there a girl leader? how did they get away with their nasty attitude? are they mean most of the time? did other students worship them?

If I remember correctly, there were 4 of them in that clique, all of whom are girls. It seems to me like there are 2 girl leaders because those 2 girls dominate over the other 2.

They're not mean most of the time. 2 of the more "passive" girls can be nice to other people but they can also flip on you if you piss them off. The other 2 more "dominant" girls don't really interact with people outside their clique. I think they usually get away with what they do because those girls mainly spread gossips, alienate, and verbally attack others (not in front of the teachers, of course). Mean girls tend to inflict emotional, verbal, and social harm while mean boys tend to physically attack others so mean boys are often caught.

The only time those mean girls were caught was when they ganged up on and slapped another girl outside of school and the mother of that girl came to school and started threatening to sue them. Everyone in class saw this.

I think other students are afraid to go against them, but I don't worship them.


Well-known member
so what made them powerful? are they rich? pretty? smart? what did they do when they've been threatened by the mom? did they stop? did they show fear or humiliation? did some group tried to fight them back?


Well-known member
so what made them powerful? are they rich? pretty? smart? what did they do when they've been threatened by the mom? did they stop? did they show fear or humiliation? did some group tried to fight them back?

I don't think they're rich because that school district is located in the ghetto with many poor people living nearby. They're pretty, but not sure if I can call them smart. When the mom was threatening them, they just sat there and looked at her. They seem terrified. I think at the end of the school year, one of the girls moved to New York and another one moved to another school.

I don't think anyone tried to challenge them. I know I don't want anything to do with them, I just want to mind my own business, so I ignore them. I think the other classmates think the same way.
Well I graduated 10 years ago but yes. Yes there were precious entitled princesses. And yes they did look you up and down and ostracise you and yes they were just appalling people.

Luckily for me I was too oblivious to ever really notice they were bullying me so it never actually worked. lol.

I do remember one time though were I realised what was happening and I was actually just plain embarrassed for the girl.

Our hockey coach gave me a new glove and a little trophy thing for player of the year. (I was as surprised as anyone) later on at the lockers this obnoxious girl came bulling for me in her 4 inch heels and threw a proper little bitch fit over why she should have got it not me and who did I think I was, I was nothing bla bla bla. I remember being really embarassed for her for the way she was acting, I think I even tried to give it to her just to shut her up because although it was a nice gesture, I didn't really care and she was making an absolute scene of herself.

Overall though I was fairly oblivious to people. I didn't notice. In hindsight I realise quite a lot of attempted bullying went on.
^ but yea, example of preciousness right there. (I might add this girl had never even spoken to me prior to that, she didn't even know my name)


Well-known member
Yes mean girls do exist. But the good news is fast forward ten years they start losing their cockiness as real life takes over. Their best years were in school where they could go around bullying, showing off and what not. But eventually real life calls and they get passed over while others overtake them. Or at best they live normal lives not extrodinary popular ones like they did in high school.