Does it Get Worse??


New member
Hey, I've just joined this site, so first of all I want to say hi :)

Secondly, I just want to let you know that I'm only 15 and I haven't actually been diagnosed with SA. I actually found out about Social Anxiety by accident as I was browsing the internet for any sort of reason behind how I'm feeling at the moment. I know by reading some of the posts on here that I probably don't suffer nearly as badly as a lot of you do. Nor am I sure whether I even suffer from SA at all. But I know that I can relate to a lot of the symptoms, at least to some degree, and that this site is the only way I can discuss anxiety related issues with people who will understand.

So I was just wondering if any of you could let me know how life was like for you living with SA when you were my age, compared to how it is now, so that I can get some sort of idea about how this anxiety manifests itself over the years and how it could progress for me. xxx


Well-known member
Hi, welcome to the board :D

For myself, I did not have SA at that age, it was around the age of 18-19 that it rared its head after some unfortunate incidences that I went through. Anyway, wishing you luck in overcoming SA (if you think its what you have) or shyness.


Hey, I've just joined this site, so first of all I want to say hi :)

Secondly, I just want to let you know that I'm only 15 and I haven't actually been diagnosed with SA. I actually found out about Social Anxiety by accident as I was browsing the internet for any sort of reason behind how I'm feeling at the moment. I know by reading some of the posts on here that I probably don't suffer nearly as badly as a lot of you do. Nor am I sure whether I even suffer from SA at all. But I know that I can relate to a lot of the symptoms, at least to some degree, and that this site is the only way I can discuss anxiety related issues with people who will understand.

So I was just wondering if any of you could let me know how life was like for you living with SA when you were my age, compared to how it is now, so that I can get some sort of idea about how this anxiety manifests itself over the years and how it could progress for me. xxx

It can get worse unless you seek treatment but I don't think it get worse automatically just as a result of becoming an adult. Since you're only 15 you are probably at an age where you can go through the pain of undoing it without it adversely affecting your life to the point of no return. I'd take advantage of it. Aggressively pursue CBT or some other treatment ASAP. That is once you're sure you actually have SP.

Hopefully you don't and you are just in an awkward stage. When I was 15 I had no idea SP even existed thankfully.


Well-known member
I'd say it gets worse the second you find out that there is an actual condition known as Social Anxiety. You end up reading some on the subject and the symptoms etc and before you know it your getting worse.


Well-known member
I'd say it gets worse the second you find out that there is an actual condition known as Social Anxiety. You end up reading some on the subject and the symptoms etc and before you know it your getting worse.

Lol that's not true at all. Maybe for you, but not for everyone. Not for me. Finding out there was a such thing as social anxiety did nothing but make me feel less alone. Especially after I found out about sites like this.


Well-known member
Lol that's not true at all. Maybe for you, but not for everyone. Not for me. Finding out there was a such thing as social anxiety did nothing but make me feel less alone. Especially after I found out about sites like this.

No, that's not that what I meant. Either way, for me knowing that there are other people out there with SA does not make me feel less alone because, even if there are others out there, point is, I am still alone so I honestly don't really care about anyone else. Because, me, myself and I are still alone and don't have any friends anyways. So to me everyone else with just like everyone else.

But uh, maybe it has something to do with my hypochondriac self, the more I read about the symptoms of pretty much anything, the more psyched out I get and the more I believe I have that thing, whatever.


Well-known member
It may be just an adolescent thing, or you may have SA but I wouldn't worry about it too much, your still growing up.

As far as getting worse by finding out about it and the sympotons and this site, it's a double edged sword. I found this site and felt less alone and people knew exactly how I was feeling, then again I don't know if it is truly beneficial and I agree like Interzone said I may have started to believe I have more conditions than I may have actually had.


Well-known member
As I grew older, I also became more rational. I became aware of the fact everyone has moments of insecurity and that having flaws is part of being human. I guess I realized then I was just like everyone else: imperfect.


Well-known member
Hey, I've just joined this site, so first of all I want to say hi :)

Secondly, I just want to let you know that I'm only 15 and I haven't actually been diagnosed with SA. I actually found out about Social Anxiety by accident as I was browsing the internet for any sort of reason behind how I'm feeling at the moment. I know by reading some of the posts on here that I probably don't suffer nearly as badly as a lot of you do. Nor am I sure whether I even suffer from SA at all. But I know that I can relate to a lot of the symptoms, at least to some degree, and that this site is the only way I can discuss anxiety related issues with people who will understand.

So I was just wondering if any of you could let me know how life was like for you living with SA when you were my age, compared to how it is now, so that I can get some sort of idea about how this anxiety manifests itself over the years and how it could progress for me. xxx

Hey sweetie welcome to SPW. :)

When i was your age (only 3 years ago nearly) my anxiety problems were much better than the previous years. This is because i'd had a few years of cognitive behavioural therapy and became to understand how social anxiety was controlling my life. If you feel you need a little extra support have a look for some therapists around your area who specialise in CBT treatment. It's not a miracle worker, but it helps you to challenge your negative thoughts. Not much has changed since i was 15 because i've had other problems to deal with, but once i'm over these other obstacles i'd be able to put my CBT experience into good practise.


Well-known member
I stutter and when I was 15 I was very covert (hid it from everyone). I have to say, my life was more stressful when I was covert than now when I am trying not to hide it as much.