I won't know what to do in case something goes wrong, in case I run out of money,
Move back in with the parents at that point.
in case there's a fire
Go outside and call 911.
in case someone breaks into my home/apartment with a gun or whatever
Put your hands up and hold still, because life isn't an action movie and you can't dodge bullets. That's not a likely event though. More likely when living with parents whose place looks worth burglarizing.
in case I go into a car crash
Call your car insurance company. They tell you what to do. The back of the insurance card also has basic instructions.
or get lost
Buy a GPS, or call 911 if you can't un-lose yourself.
in case I run out of gas for my car
Call your insurance's roadside assistance.
Not only that, but I might come across violent/aggressive people in my life if say I walk down the streets alone and someone will pop out of nowhere and try to beat me/rob me/force me into sexual intercourse.
Move to a decent city. Nothing like that has ever happened in my life and I go for a walk alone almost every day (I'm very physically non-imposing so should be a prime target).
I don't know if it's as harder if you're single and have no spouse for support/care. Can you actually make it on your own without having a relationship?
It's really a lot easier than it looks. Your parents probably live a complicated life because they have a whole family to look after. On your own, life can be simplified drastically. Things don't have to be kept as clean when nobody else sees them, etc. I found things much easier after I moved out.
arjuna said:I found myself almost going insane at times because I didn't speak to anyone for over a week.
Sometimes I went months without talking to anyone. The freedom was still worth it.
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