does it freak you out that this is your only life?


Well-known member
I've just been thinking and I realize THIS IS IT. This is who I am. My past is my past and my future is uncertain. I have an active imagination where I pretend to be fictional characters. This helps with my loneliness.
Do you ever look around and are just suddenly hit with the realization that this is your only life? I know I can improve but at the end of the day Ill always be me.


You want to know how I got these scars?
Like others have said, I have realized this is it. This is who I am and I'll try to get what I can out of life.
Of course I know that this is the truth but I haven't ever really sat there dwelling on it. I accept that it is true and try focusing my efforts on things that I can change to improve the life I have.


Well-known member
I don't think it really freaks me is just a fact of life. I like myself but I know that I am just a person and all people have to die eventually.


Well-known member
Not really. How do we know this is our only life anyways? I feel like my options have been so limited and I have done the best I can do with what I was given. It often seems like a blessing to me to think this is it, and there won't be another one I have to live through. I suppose that is depression talking but I don't feel too depressed anymore, just realistic. Reality is life is pretty bleak for most of us. It's pretty sad to me that most of us only have a new video game to look forward to, and there's so many people like that now a days.

The only thing we look forward to is how to escape this world. Sad. Our existence is really pretty damn sad.


Well-known member
after i went on a spree trying to maximize my life, i realized it's not so bad to waste time.


Well-known member
I feel this unreality all the time, the despair of "is this my life, it is so bad can it be real?" and then in the last few years the happiness "is this my life, it is so good can it be real? Those moments of happiness really surprised me.


Well-known member
I believe in an afterlife, but the reality that this is my only life here on Earth does hit me. What freaks me out is not getting what I want in life, not reaching my goals, and not being happy. I have a vision for my future that I want to make a reality. Because this life is so short and I want to make the most of it, I'm starting to take steps to make it happen. I want to minimize my regrets, but it's hard when I'm at such a low point in my life. I don't even have any friends. Sometimes I doubt whether I will be able to make it happen because I feel so lost inside. If only I was a fun, social, and confident person everywhere I went, I know my life would change drastically. I would easily make friends and get a girlfriend. It seems so easy, yet so hard at the same time. I wonder what exactly is holding me back. Is it negative thoughts and feelings that are suppressing the fun and social person that's inside of me? Is it merely a lack of practice? Probably a combination of both...
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Well-known member
I've just been thinking and I realize THIS IS IT. This is who I am. My past is my past and my future is uncertain. I have an active imagination where I pretend to be fictional characters. This helps with my loneliness.
Do you ever look around and are just suddenly hit with the realization that this is your only life? I know I can improve but at the end of the day Ill always be me.

Yes i do. I, too, have deep thoughts in which i put myself in weird situations. I'm afraid i won't change, but this is me. I just have to work with what I'm given and hopefully I can do something great.


Well-known member
I've just been thinking and I realize THIS IS IT. This is who I am. My past is my past and my future is uncertain. I have an active imagination where I pretend to be fictional characters. This helps with my loneliness.
Do you ever look around and are just suddenly hit with the realization that this is your only life? I know I can improve but at the end of the day Ill always be me.
I must be a strange one as I know that I can get back to uni and get my degree. SA is not a problem if we are going through the thought of I CAN GET THOU IS! Don't let this beast get it's hold on you SadSally. You can win this fight.

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I have maladaptive daydreaming which is what I think you have too. I've spent countless hours of my live in my room doing these weird hand gestures as I act out fantasies in my head. It keeps me from going completely insane I think. Unlike you though I've never crafted fictional characters which is really cool. It's just fantasies about me doing great things. Egocentricism at its finest.
Not really. How do we know this is our only life anyways? I feel like my options have been so limited and I have done the best I can do with what I was given. It often seems like a blessing to me to think this is it, and there won't be another one I have to live through. I suppose that is depression talking but I don't feel too depressed anymore, just realistic. Reality is life is pretty bleak for most of us. It's pretty sad to me that most of us only have a new video game to look forward to, and there's so many people like that now a days.

The only thing we look forward to is how to escape this world. Sad. Our existence is really pretty damn sad.
^ Totally agree with this.

I guess how you feel about it is dependant on the circumstances of each person's life.
Having myself given up on being able to improve I am quiet happy that this is my only life. :applause:

That is great that you have found a way to help with your loneliness, SadSally. You still seem to have the determination to improve, so maybe you can find a way to be content with an improved future version of yourself? :)


Well-known member
Yep, it does freak me out a lot, honestly. Especially cause I really don't like who I am and it is just such a crappy realization that I'm stuck being this person my entire life.

I have been keeping a shyness journal for about 8 years now and just yesterday I was looking at the first entries and it was pretty funny/sad to read because that was in 2008 right before I had started college and I was talking about how I was going to overcome my shyness and make friends. And now here I am in 2016 and I let my college experience pass me by and I never managed to make friends and I still haven't overcome my shyness/anxiety. It's just a real bummer that I'm stuck being the person I am. It's hard not to compare myself to others and wish I were like them instead.
.........It often seems like a blessing to me to think this is it, and there won't be another one I have to live through.......
This is precisely how I think of my life too.

I find it extremely soothing to think to myself at the end of each day while lying in bed waiting to fall asleep that "I will never have to live through this day, ever again. I am one day closer to the end". :applause: :thumbup: