does anyone..


Well-known member
ever feel like they have to run as fast as they can from one room to another or up the stair to get away from darkness or a room with no one in it to get back to the room with other people. I do it all the time I feel like I have to get there really fast or something bad will happen, and I don't know why.. It's weird.


Well-known member
That's just paranoia talking. I've had several moments where I go up the stairs when it's completely dark downstairs and if your mind's working too fast you start imagining things and hearing sounds where there is no sound. I've had quite a few scares, honestly. Thoughts got way too real a couple of times.

Last November I went biking with a friend in the middle of the night (around 2am) through the countryside. It was cold and windy; really creepy, considering it was the first time through that specific part of the countryside and there was cattle around, keeping us as paranoid as possible. Then, of course, the lights on our bikes broke and made everything look like the typical horror movie. Got the adrenaline going, though :)
Darkness doesn't bother me as much as quiet. I always have to have music/TV/both going or it bugs me. Even at night I feel better with background noise. Makes me feel less lonely I guess.
Don't be afraid of the dark

Not in the least. If anything I'll run up the stairs to get away from people and go hide in the darkness. It's literally darkness because I never ever have the lights on! The stairs in the dark don't bother me at all, what REALLY bothers me is when the stair light is on, and I have to go run and turn it off. Sometimes I'll just sit in the dark and do nothing.


Well-known member
Re: Don't be afraid of the dark

Not in the least. If anything I'll run up the stairs to get away from people and go hide in the darkness. It's literally darkness because I never ever have the lights on! The stairs in the dark don't bother me at all, what REALLY bothers me is when the stair light is on, and I have to go run and turn it off. Sometimes I'll just sit in the dark and do nothing.

probably a lot better for your electric bill than having to turn a light on in every room


Well-known member
'Not in the least. If anything I'll run up the stairs to get away from people and go hide in the darkness. It's literally darkness because I never ever have the lights on! The stairs in the dark don't bother me at all, what REALLY bothers me is when the stair light is on, and I have to go run and turn it off. Sometimes I'll just sit in the dark and do nothing.'

Yeah, i don't see what people have against darkness or silence. I feel safe and cosy in it ! Right now all i have on is my desklamp to see the keyboard, and the laptop backlight. Wish i could also turn off the noise of traffic outside... complete and perfect silence hehe


Well-known member
I've had that urge a few times.. but i don't give into it because I don't want to have to do it all the time... lol im lazy