Does anyone have trouble with how they walk??


I hate having to go to a place where I have to walk because I know I have to think about ever arm stroke and step. I'm pretty sure I walk like a spastic. I didn't know where to put my arms, legs in all situations but over time I sort of perfected it in some cases.

Anyone else have problems with walking?

Edit: When I went to the first appointment with the counsellor the first thing that she asked me was did I have trouble walking. So obviously it's a problem for most people.


Well-known member
yea, i'm self concious of the way i walk too. but its worst because when i do it that my walk begin to be strange.

when i'm walking trough a crowd, i feel like i'm walking on jello, i can feel each of my movements.
Many people with aspergers are more likely to feel physically clumsy and have balance problems. Maybe you guys have that?


Well-known member
Day_Tripper said:
Many people with aspergers are more likely to feel physically clumsy and have balance problems. Maybe you guys have that?

man don't tell it, i'm already too confused :p, i used to think of asperger a lot :p...

although asperger is to consider (but not to jump on conclusions), i think the real problem is that when you are is an anxiety situation are self concious of something you make naturally, i may even walk strangelly (wich will not be a surprise) , but when i'm in a situation that makes me anxious, going throught a crowd or a metting , just entering a place, i feel like i have to control every step.


Active member
o my god!! i thought it was just me! i get this all the time, in the end i just end up walking like a robot.


Well-known member
for as long as i can remember, since i was a kid probably, i've been totally self conscious of how i walk. i'm always paranoid i'll trip or step on something (gum, etc) so i'm always looking down. but then when i'm looking down, i'll walk into something lol. so i'm screwed either way. anyway i'm always doing this clumsy kind of walking b/c i'm overly self conscious of how i walk and move in general. i swear that i don't walk straight and my feet/legs are lop sided somehow. funny enough the only time when i'm not self conscious and a freak about my walking is when i'm wiggling my way through a crowd.

also, i'm forever looking down at myself especially when i'm eating cuz i keep thinking i'm getting food on myself or something. ugh it's horrible! i hate eating in public, it's amazing i eat out in public at all! a few weeks ago, i met w/ my uncle and i was dumb and was eating a meatball sub! the stupid meatball fell through the sub and got on my shirt and rolled down my jeans! i was so embarassed!! even now i still think about it!


Well-known member
the top part of me is fine. it's the bottom part, my legs, that are wobbly and have balance issues. i don't look so weird if i wear wide-leg pants. hides it.


Active member
I am sooo self-conscious of my walk. I hate walking in front of people when I'm with a group because I feel like everyone is watching the strange way I walk.
Yeah I do. For one I think I suck at knowing what's around me. I always manage to run into everything and not even notice it, and just find a whole bunch of bruises on me not knowing where they came from. That probably looks really stupid. Also, I hate arms. I don't know where to put them. It feels so weird just having them hang down, but I don't like walking everywhere with my arms crossed, because no one does that. Stupid Arms.


Well-known member
Yeah, People probably think I'm stupid when they watch me walk. Sometimes people comment on the fact that my feet point inward, so I look strange when I walk. I also get nervous when everyone is watching me walk and then I start to walk fast and bump into things or people.
Missing Persons said:
Look ahead as we fast try to focus on it
I won't be fooled by a cheap cinematic trick
It must have been just a cardboard cut out of a man
Top forty cast off from the record stand

Walking in LA
Walking in LA
Nobody walks in LA
Walking in LA
Walkin in LA
Nobody walks in LA

I don't know could have been a lame jogger maybe
or someone just about to do the freeway strangler baby
Shopping cart pusher or maybe someone groovy
One things for sure he isn't starrin in a movie coz he's

Walking in LA
Walking in LA
Nobody walks in LA
Walking in LA
Walkin in LA
Nobody walks in LA

You won't see a cop walkin on the beat
You only see him drivin cars on the street
You won't see a kid walkin home from school
Their mothers pick them up in a car pool

Walking in LA
Walking in LA
Nobody walks in LA
Walking in LA
Walkin in LA
Nobody walks in LA

Could it be the smog's playing tricks on my eyes
Or it's a rollerskater in some kind of headphone disguise
Maybe somebody who just ran out of gas
Makin his way back to the pumps the best way he can

Walking in LA
Walking in LA
Nobody walks in LA
Walking in LA
Walkin in LA
Nobody walks in LA


Wow, I thought I was the only one. I have had trouble walking in front of people for as long as I can remember. Only when I'm alone with no one watching me does it ever feel natural. Otherwise I have to constantly adjust my posture, stride, arm movement, and a half dozen other little things whilst thinking to myself 'Does this look normal?.. oh man now my head is at a weird angle, need to fix that... oh I forgot to move my arms...' It's so frustrating! I thought I was missing some kind of 'Walking Program' in my brain but maybe it is just SA after all.


Ive been told that I walk different to others. It used to bother me when I was younger, but it doesnt bother me anymore. :D


Well-known member
i used to be self concious about how i walked

and i also had that arm hanging problem

then i just didnt care and ended up putting my hands in my pockets when i stopped walking not i just fidget with my fingers

then i started ignoring everybody else on the street that was walking as well (heck i dont even notice people i know) and just look straight ahead

basically just ignore everybody but every now and then i do get detered by some people and then i just think "hey theyre people and probably more f#cked and pathetic than i am, and if they try anything funny ill just spit some gum at them and run like hell".

i try and spit at cars that dont wait for pedestrians, WATCH THE GODDAM ROAD YOU MORONS!


Active member
It's called 'not being comfortable in your own skin' ...

I can sometimes do it (comfortably i mean). But it's moody-ness based.


Well-known member
I've literally dragged one foot while the other was moving before, when I was too deep in my own thoughts... I forgot that I was walking. It happened a few times. Bah talk about embarrassment!

If you have a problem walking "normally", you should think about taking up dancing. It works for me. Try it!