Does anyone find humor good for SA?


Well-known member
I have noticed with my friend Brian, he loves to act stupid and talk with different accents and make people laugh.I try and copy his accents and do silly stuff with him.I noticed this had made my social anxiety a bit less, and i get on good with him.Im normally act silly and laugh alot with my parents, and couldnt act like a goof with anyone else.But now i feel it easier to act like stupid and let my guard down with Brian.It feels good to just good off with another person haha.


Well-known member
:)this is true ive been told by my few true friends that i was the funniest person they have ever met :cry: now if i could oly let the rest of the world know...people are drawn to humorous people use it too your advantage...if you can


Well-known member

Yeah i can be a really funny person, but i cant let my humor out with most people cept my folks and Brian to an extent.I wish i could just do this with everyone lol


Well-known member
I wish i could be funny! but normally i come across as lame! and so i have no confidence to play with after the disturbed looks of "wtf" is he on about, unless im really drunk, i would say that alot of my SA comes down to the fact that im not comfortable with the way i come across so if you can make people laugh then get out there and use it


Well-known member
when i had friends, when id try be funny i wernt funny but when i didnt try be funny i am funny. sucks that does, i must say some stupid stuff then lol


Well-known member
I can only let my guard down and act weird/crazy/stupid when I'm comfortable around the person, and it depends on who it is, they have to be someone i know will appreciate it. I can't usually do it with more than one person.

I usually laugh at myself when no one laughs :)

btw, does anyone use humour as a defence mechanism? like Chandler from Friends


Well-known member
When your with someone that you can just be yourself and laugh with, then its like you forget whatever that thing called "SA" is.


Active member
I'm not particularly funny, but I have the best time when I can be a silly dork. Problem is a lot of people don't seem to have a sense of humor. (or at least the same kind). I don't like cruel humor; making fun of people's looks for example.

It's when I can laugh with someone that I think we can be friends.


Well-known member
i can be funny, around my parents and sister, and my dad laughs easily at some of the little and daft things i say, sometimes when i say something, my sister would go "thats not funny." or "Your not funny." i dunno if it's because she's just jealous because i said something funny that she probably wouldn't have been able to think up. But i can't be funny round anyone else, or if i did i'd be worried they'd take it wrongly


Well-known member
I don't feel that being humorous helps me not be nervous but my whole family tries to make any situation humorous. So I try and make fun of myself or my anxiety. " Oh look a cute guy I have to blush now" things kinda like that. Humor is a very important thing to have during hard situations. :lol: