I have a good friend who gave up on driving after a few lessons and tests. I think I understand. There can be an element of 'can't be assed' or fear...
All down to luck.
But it brings me to another topic: I wonder how I ended up with so many friends (the majority) who really can't be assed to work, and never will.
I have lost my driving license for a total 5.5 years so far, with 1 of those years being no fault of mine, being an epileptic, having to wait for a year after every fit, and 3 of those years because my mate had the door open while I was driving, and the door hit a police van. It's a hopeless existence without driving. A ban is much worse punishment than a year in prison. When living in the real world, a car is less of a luxury than a sexy mobile phone. It's a necessity.
I recommend driving. When you embark on a new route, it's annoying and scary. Once you know your way to work after a few weeks, or to the supermarket, and you know every turn and every roundabout, you can get there almost with your eyes shut. I have trouble remembering simple things, such as people's names after a few months, but it's remarkable how you can remember every turn in every street, every sign after having not been there after 10 years...
I don't like the arrogant games played on the road, but you're safe in your protective metal shell. You can ignore each threat. It's an expensive hobby. It's worth every penny.