Does anyone else feel like this?


Well-known member
I can't understand why but for some reason I am worse with the majority of people I know than with strangers. In other words, I have more confidence of speaking to strangers than some of the people I know. I'll give an example. I can walk around outside somewhere where I don't think anyone knows who I am. Yet, I am extremely phobic about taking a leisurely walk around the place I live because I know that people know who I am. I am also phobic around some people in my family, including some of my siblings. I have a severe bout of nerves if I have to meet them and I'll try and hide or get away in order not to have to face them or other people I know. I have been trying to understand why this is the case. Can anyone relate to these feelings in any way?


Well-known member
Yep, i've been feeling exactly the same way about this. It rather confuses me sometimes. I mean I don't make new friends easily, but when I do I tend to be able to act different and talk about deeper things in life than I can with anyone thats known me for a long time. To be honest it's really really confusing...I mean I don't want to act different around my old friends because they know thats not how I usually am ( or at least around them) and for some I just think they aren't going to accept me if I am that way. I am also very close to my sister and while I oddly am more open to talk and act different with her, I still feel like i'm closed in and not able to be my REAL SELF. Although, heres this other dude I met several months ago that had no idea who I was and we seem to always talk about some 'real shit' and deep conversations. I feel like I can be myself and since the guy doesn't really know my past, it seems I can really open up and be myself.
I can totally relate- I sometimes avoid doing certain things in public if I know that someone who "knows" me might see me- I don't know, most of these activities are things that I know I shouldn't be ashamed of in any way, but I'm afraid they'll ask me questions or pick on me about it- totally irrational, but it still plagues me sometimes.
I also think I'm less anxious around strangers in a way because maybe I think that I can give them a better impression of myself- or try to redefine myself. I'm afraid that if I try to start acting differently around people I know, then they'll think I'm weird or trying to be fake, or I'm just afraid that there's nothing I can do to change their impression of me- I don't know if any of this makes sense, but this is the only way I can explain it.
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Well-known member
I can totally relate- I sometimes avoid doing certain things in public if I know that someone who "knows" me might see me- I don't know, most of these activities are things that I know I shouldn't be ashamed of in any way, but I'm afraid they'll ask me questions or pick on me about it- totally irrational, but it still plagues me sometimes.
I also think I'm less anxious around strangers in a way because maybe I think that I can give them a better impression of myself- or try to redefine myself. I'm afraid that if I try to start acting differently around people I know, then they'll think I'm weird or trying to be fake, or I'm just afraid that there's nothing I can do to change their impression of me- I don't know if any of this makes sense, but this is the only way I can explain it.

Yeah, this is actually what I wanted to say...I agree 100% LOL.


Well-known member
yes. when you are around strangers somewhere out in public you don't have a commitment to them. they will be gone in moments and you'll probably never have to deal with them again so it's easier to not care what they think so the anxiety isn't as bad. it's even easier if you are far from home on vacation somewhere where you'll definitely never see them again.

around neighbors, work, school, anxiety is up because you have a reputation to worry about.