I have friends, but it can be a challenge to hang out with them. I feel restricted by them sometimes. At times, I feel like leaving them all to discover who I really can be, without their constant presence forcing me to be who I always have been. That said, I am grateful to have them because I realize without them, I might actually be even worse off.
I've had many more friends in the past but my anxiety, self-loathing, and mistakes have pushed them away.
My life is in relative shambles right now which I'm sure contributes to my SA. It's been a twisting road, with peaks and valleys of progress. Maybe things will change soon, because things are looking up. And I hope I can make new friends in the process, new friends that will enable me to be the best version of me I can possibly be. Or alternatively, improve my perception of the friendships I already do have.
I truly want friends that are emotionally open and that try to understand me, that are conspicuously forgiving of my flaws and that accept me with love and respect. I've had one true friend that I was very close with like that before--a truly exceptional person--but we are no longer talking due to external circumstances that are out of either of our control. It makes me sad just thinking about it.