do you trust others?


Well-known member
This is such a good topic. This is something that I have been struggling with for a long time. I have been having trust issues for years which is one of the reasons that I keep to myself. I just want to be able to trust people without the fear of being unfairly judged or treated. I know that just comes from my insecure and suspecting nature. I really am trying to work on this as I am very miserable sometimes being alone. On the flip side, I have been around people who talk about their so called "friends" behind their backs. I guess I just have to risk trusting people in order to go on in life. So far, I have been unsuccessful. I don't want to be alone all the time and being the way that I am has not made my life any better.

I just gotta figure it out and just let myself try to live a better life. I realize that I can't do that without being able to somehow trust others. I don't want to appear as stuck-up, withdrawn, or snobby. I am the complete opposite. I am a very nice and likeable person, but I know I might seem stuck-up b/c I am so quiet and asocial. It just takes me forever to be comfortable around others. I don't think I will ever be 100% comfortable around others, but I can be comfortable enough to hold conversation and be sociable. The good news is that I am getting better, slowly but surely.


Well-known member
Good question.

I would say I do not trust people in general.

I dont have any reason for that, i have never been betrayed or made a fool of or any thing like that but i cant help thinking if someone else had the chance to use something against me, they would. Which makes me wary of what i say/do. Very irrational on my part but what can ya do!


Well-known member
hmmm i soppose i am a little to trusting , i tend to see good in evreyone ... but some people do make me wonder what planet there on with the things they say sometimes ...but in General im a trusting person