do you tell people?


Well-known member
No for reasons. A. People don't take it seriously and I get, get over type responses B. People want to talk to me like I'm slow, when I do. C. I don't want someone to upset me with an ignorant comment. I rather fake it to make it when I go out in social situations than to have a stigma attached to me because of false awareness about what social phobia is.

I feel like I lose every way with this anxiety. So I rather just keep my mouth shut about it, so I don't have to deal with anything more than what I have. The few people who *now* understand it, I went though Hades with them to try to help the understand.

I remember the first time I *ahem* came out. I got hysterical responses, "you're not dumb!" " Stop acting like something is wrong with you"! " You're a smart girl, so why you acting this way? " You're just lazy. " You don't pray enough and that is the devil, read the bible and pray more or you would not have this problem" Etc etc etc.

It is just interesting how this can have a negative stigma against it, I felt like I was really breaking traumatic news.

I know what you guys go through and people are making remarks about you because you have SA, don't believe and buy into it. Although; it is frustrating, but what they say about you because you have social anxiety, it is completely not true. Hoping someone out there like me can take comfort in they are okay, because I remember 3 years ago trying to find out what was wrong and then have people drag me down, I was in a extremely fragile mental state because of it.

If I felt like I could talk to this to people, then I would. I would be open about it. I know there are people out there who understand and people get different reactions about it.


Well-known member
i don't tell people a great many things about myself

what's the point?

they're just going to make their own assumptions anyway



Well-known member
i don't tell people a great many things about myself

what's the point?

they're just going to make their own assumptions anyway


Same here.

One of the most annoying things I hate, are interfering people.

My sister was always trying to tell me what to do and how I should be, she even wanted to change the way that I think. This has maybe nothing to do with this thread's subject but it just came to mind.

I don't know is it due to lack of trust or what that it is so hard to me to tell my things to others.


Well-known member
No for reasons. A. People don't take it seriously and I get, get over type responses B. People want to talk to me like I'm slow, when I do. C. I don't want someone to upset me with an ignorant comment. I rather fake it to make it when I go out in social situations than to have a stigma attached to me because of false awareness about what social phobia is.

I feel like I lose every way with this anxiety. So I rather just keep my mouth shut about it, so I don't have to deal with anything more than what I have. The few people who *now* understand it, I went though Hades with them to try to help the understand.

I remember the first time I *ahem* came out. I got hysterical responses, "you're not dumb!" " Stop acting like something is wrong with you"! " You're a smart girl, so why you acting this way? " You're just lazy. " You don't pray enough and that is the devil, read the bible and pray more or you would not have this problem" Etc etc etc.

It is just interesting how this can have a negative stigma against it, I felt like I was really breaking traumatic news.

I know what you guys go through and people are making remarks about you because you have SA, don't believe and buy into it. Although; it is frustrating, but what they say about you because you have social anxiety, it is completely not true. Hoping someone out there like me can take comfort in they are okay, because I remember 3 years ago trying to find out what was wrong and then have people drag me down, I was in a extremely fragile mental state because of it.

If I felt like I could talk to this to people, then I would. I would be open about it. I know there are people out there who understand and people get different reactions about it.

Yep the "you're just lazy" comment, is a real let down. i get that from "close"
people who obviously know my life better than i do. :rolleyes:

but for me people's minds are made up already, even before they meet me. they already "know" me - because i'm supposedly from a very well known family. they have this idea that i'm either very talkative and/or very prominent amongst my community in some way. well, to say i'm neither is a huge understatement. when they realise i'm quiet and shy they seem to make their minds up that i'm a jerk and should be treated like i'm some outcast. if i were to tell them i have a severe issue with anxiety they'll probably just laugh at me, and think it's another reason to look down on me.
so, i wouldn't confide in these people at all.

the biggest irony i suppose is that people like us would find it a huge source of encouragement if we could confide in someone else, and that person showed understanding and compassion.


Active member
No and I never have. I have NEVER told anyone I know personally of my inner thoughts, problems, or spilled my inner emotions to anyone. I've had serious conversations with friends that reflect my views, preferences, and thoughts, but I've NEVER divulged my true thoughts to anyone that I know.


Well-known member
when i was younger i used to tell people. now, speaking from experience: DO NOT TELL PEOPLE. if you tell people they will think you are even more weird than you are. no need to bring attention to your weaknesses. people will figure it out on their own.


Well-known member
Just wondering if anyone tells people that they have social anxiety issues. personally i have only told my family and one of my friends.
list some experiences
I want to know if it helps to let people know about your problem or will it just make things even more awkward?

I never told anyone, though according to the therapist: I shouldn't be so discreet about it, because when others' percieve my real life with SA, they won't judge me.

I have only told my family, 2 or 3 of my parents' good friends, 2 psychiatrists, online gaming friends whom I never met in person, and exactly 1 person at my age whom I met in person.
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Typically, if it is a friend, I wil not say it. However, if I am considering a romantic relationship with someone, I want them to know in the beginning before they invest their time into me, so they do not later find out and have an issue with it. I need to know that a signficant other is going to be accepting and not dump me a month or so down the road when they find out I don't have a huge circle of friends.


I don't just go ranting && telling people like it's something to be proud of, I actually don't tell people unless I almost have to or unless it's a reason I should. The only people in my life that know are my family and my boyfriend. My boyfriend knows because he has it to && my family knows because they help me cope with it (Doctors appointments , Medication fee's etc..)