Do you take things heart?

Off The Wall

Well-known member
It's not so much what other people say it's what i think about myself.. people can say whatever if i actually like that part about myself or i know for a fact it's not true i'm cool with it...but if i tend to agree then yeah i'll be pretty upset and think about it forever, But that's not so much their fault it's my own fault for thinking those things about myself.


Well-known member
I'm definitely overly sensitive. I go way too hard on myself and if anyone says anything negative about me I start feeling stupid and inferior.

I'm good at hiding it though (I think). I can keep composure in public but internally, it just breaks me.
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Well-known member
Yeah. Mildly critical things people said to me over ten years ago still keep me up at night. When I think about it, I'm complimented just as often as I'm criticised, it's just that the bad things are easier to believe, and they stay with you longer.

This is so true crimefish. I bet overall, I have been complimented more in my life than I have been criticized. However, I can take the negative things said about me several years ago and multiply them by 20 and I make it way more worse than what it is in the present. I don't have the sleep problem as much as I did a few years ago. The key is to do anything you can to distract yourself from those negative, self-sabotaging thoughts. Realize that no one is perfect, and everyone is criticized from time to time no matter how good a person you are.