Do you smile at people often?

I've been wanting to smile at girls as I pass them as part of my self help but I've only been able to make eye contact, but that's actually a pretty big step for me anyway


I always smile. It does not cost a penny to smile and it makes others feel at ease and happy to. When I used to be at highschool I would often actually get in trouble for smiling during the most inappropriate times :roll:


Well-known member
Yeah i do smile but how i smile depends on who i'm smiling at. If it's at my parents or something i'll do a stupid smile, a full grin or a teeth smile, if it's at teenagers or someone at a counter, i'll give them a shy little smile. And i'll do the shy little smile to all others i feel shy around too.

I frown alot, even my mum says that, but i sometimes don't notice and i try to put on a not 'smiling like a cheshire cat' kinda face but i try to make myself look confident.


Well-known member
I do smile at people alot, but that's just because they smile at me first. I just return it. People seem to smile at me alot, especially girls. idk, maybe the people in my university are just too friendly. Doesnt help much, I do feel a bit less depresed becaused of that.


Well-known member
Sometimes smile.

I've found out some smiles are innapropriate for the situation, usually its like a friendly hello smile.

But I remember smiling at a workmate as a total friendly gesture and he said, "you coming onto me?".

So NOWWWW.. when walking past most men, I won't smile, just in case they think its a come-on. LOL.


i smile when i'm nervous/in a new situation in lieu of chitchatting, small talk, etc. like when people pay attention to me and i feel like they expect some sort of response, i just smile really big and do my best to say something. i feel like if the smile is impressive enough, it'll be enough.

as for strangers, i try to smile at them all the time, because i like it when people smile at me. i feel like there's a perceptible difference between a come-on smile and a friendly smile. everyone likes a friendly smile.