Do you really want to overcome SA?


Well-known member
Why are YOU on this site? What do you hope to get out of it? Do you want to change and be comfortable in your skin while in social situations?

I know when I joined this forum that I would have said that without a doubt I wanted to change and overcome my anxiety but looking back on my situation then, that really wasn't true.

Before I went to a psychologist/psychiatrist, I was so desperate to feel a part of something and I was so desperate to find an identity for myself because I felt like I was floating out into an abyss of nothing and could identify with nobody. When I went to the psychologist and they confirmed what I had already convinced myself of, I was honestly pretty happy to hear it because I could blame all my problems on Social Anxiety or Avoidant Personality Disorder. I found an identity, finally! The fact that I was also diagnosed as having clinical depression added to that identity.

So while I wouldn't admit it to most people and would even get mad when they would suggest it, I was attracted to feeling inferior and less than and I was attracted to the identity of being fearful around people because that is who I decided I was and if anyone suggested otherwise I would get angry because they were attacking my sense of self.

Yes. in hindsight, I too think I was looking for justification for my actions.

I bring that up because when I would talk to people that would try and show me a different perspective on life or a different way of viewing things I would get pissed and say things like positive thinking is a bunch of pink, fluffy, nonrealistic BS and I would get pissed and say they just didn't understand me. The truth was that they were challenging my false sense of self and who I thought I was by showing me that there are other ways of viewing the world and myself. They were showing me ways to overcome my social anxiety and my inferiority complex but I refused to listen because I didnt want to change and I had so much invested in the identity I had mapped out for myself

You can not help someone who is not willing to help themselves. It is very difficult to change your mindset in this regard and I applaud your determination to better yourself by starting to think outside of the box.

SO my question for you you really want to change or do you have a lot invested in your identity of suffering from SA?

Honestly, if I really really wanted to change, I think I should have done so by now.
Instead I think I want to change enough that there is a gradual change, so my sense of self identity can handle the transition.
I have recently came across the idea that I might be Antisocial with some SA mixed in.

Although I hate to be anxious by being exposed in public, there's a part of me that uses it as an excuse not to engage into social events, such as parties. I find parties to be a complete waste of time, I never had fun in them, I ALWAYS find myself thinking "when is it OK to leave this party without looking like a complete retard?".

Now, I don't know if I hate parties or any kind of group social events because I have SA or if my original personality actually doesn't like it.

I find myself happy that I don't have to deal with people and that keeps me wanting to stay with the illness.

I'm still in a journey to find out what really is wrong with me. I hoped that by observing others on this forum I could reach some conclusions.


Well-known member
I desperately want to get out of this, though I'm not sure how much a forum can do. I've made some good progress on my own. I guess I'm just drawn to things that seem similar.

I feel alone because I've come to believe that I'm just so weird even if I'm around family or the few friends I have. Like it's not noticeable to anyone, but I'm a totally different make than everyone else in a way that's neither good nor bad - just alienating. I don't want to be alone because I can't talk to people or because I'm terrified of their judgment, too.


Well-known member
Why I am on this site?
Well, I first came in the hope of finding and reading other people's success stories in overcoming SA, in the hope to do the same myself, or at least find a few tips. However, I now find my main reasons for being here are simply to be interacting with other people who experience and understand how I'm feeling. c:

And yes, I do want to overcome it. However, I don't really think I even would allow myself to recognize the SA until around three months ago. :3