Do you perform better or worse in the presence of others?


Well-known member
I really can't work or perform in the presence of other people. I MUST find a job that suits extremely shy and introvert people, like myself, otherwise my life will be miserable.

I'm also shy and have anxiety in other social situations (talking to people I know etc.), but not as much. I can cope with daily tasks such as shopping or talking to a few people etc. but like I said; I can't work or perform in the mere presence of other people, or when being watched..

I have ordered a book called "200 best jobs for introverts" and hope to learn more about jobs that might suit me.

Any of you have suggestions as to which jobs would suit people like me? Please don't say that I have to overcome my anxiety or things like that..


Well-known member
Well there have been a few topics about this. And no one could really come up with any jobs for people like us. I thought about newspaper delivery...but you cant really live on what you make.

But that book you got sounds good. Maybe ill take a look at it one of these days


I like you can no longer work with people round me. I was out going & loved my last job but now the thought of working with others fills me with dread. I can go shopping as long as someone is with me even feeling better with my 5 yr old grandson with me, just having someone to talk to & keep my mind focused. I hate answering the phone & I know it sounds silly but I get a wave of anxiety opening the mail as I worry I will have to ring someone in response.
Good luck with your search for a job & please let us know if you find something suitable as I too would love to get back in to work.


Well i'm exactly the same. I've never been able to work with anyone.Never had a steady job and i'm now 21.But i do well financially. You might want to look into online jobs.Like customer service.Just to give you an idea here is what i've been involved with over the last few years

Ebay business.
Stock Market
Betfair Trading(i highly recommend this ,It's easy)
Poker, like franchises and stuff.Little bit of playing but to stressfull with the ups and downs.!

And maybe driving jobs.I'm sure you'll find something though and the book sounds interesting.


Well-known member
Worse in front of people, no question. I can't even think straight if people are watching me. I'm the IT field and that works out all right because people expect you to be that way, he he. :D


Yeah I really enjoy playing my guitar, but I can't seem to do it when there are people around. My mind just goes blank, while when I'm alone with my guitar, music flows freely from my head to my fingers and out of the guitar. It's so fucked up.... Apply this type of anxiety to just about every aspect of my life. Shitty, indeed.



Well-known member
IWouldPreferNotTo said:
I'm the IT field and that works out all right because people expect you to be that way, he he. :D
But there are people around you when you're working, right??


Well-known member
Argamemnon said:
IWouldPreferNotTo said:
I'm the IT field and that works out all right because people expect you to be that way, he he. :D
But there are people around you when you're working, right??

Yeah, but they're older and I don't feel as insecure around middle-aged people. Besides, I know about computers and the user usually doesn't so that gives me an edge. But if they're literally looking over my back while I work, all I'm thinking about is them looking at me and then I can't perform well.