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I only have one parent, my dad died when i was 8 so growing up with my mom was a little bit unstable. Sometimes she may be nice, loving and all that. But when stress out she yells things like regret for having kids, she raised 5 kids so i can't complain much. But, honestly sometime i get piss about what she's saying and just want to get out of the house....but where too? But all in all she's the only parent i have, in fact the only adult i can feel totally be comfortable with.
My parents didn't intentionally give me a crap childhood, but i still feel very bitter a lot of the time towards them for the way they constantly shoved me and my brother's to be the best academically and how they only showed me love when I achieved. They loved me all the time, just as a kid I never saw it unless I got an A+, or got a good mark in my piano or dancing or school or any other exam...I was never deprived of anything except being shown the unconditional love they had for me, but it made me hate them a bit without me realising why for a long time when I was a teenager, up until a few months ago even.
....but I hate them as my parents and hate the fact that I was raised by them. There are the type of people that simply should not raise children.