Do you hug your blanket/pillow?


Well-known member
I cry into my pillow... like literally full-out sobbing. Sometimes I do wish it were a boy I was hugging, and he would tell me that everything would be alright,and that I'm not alone in this. psh yeah like that'll ever happen.
=( I'm so pathetic... I should probably do die.


Well-known member
I luv huggin my pillow! it feels cozy and warm! and yes I will admit that I pretend its the love of my life in my arms, do it all the time. lol


I can't sleep at night without hugging either a pillow or a blanket. Even if I have my BF next to me.. still the pillow has to be there and i'd rather hug it than him. I guess its because the pillow is perfect. Theres nothing about it i dont like. But theres always going to be one thing about everyone i dont like!!! Even my BF, actually, expecially my bf!!! Plus its soft and fuzzy and doesn't mind if i cry on it!


celestialrecluse said:
Danfalc said:
celestialrecluse said:
lols, i hug my pillow too! and the face down thing i used to do that but then bring my knees up to my chest and stick my butt in the air, but i kinda grew outta that! lols! it's just a comfort thing really!

Yeah thats exactly what i do... cept i havnt out grown it and im like 22 :lol: 8O

lols! im glad im not the only one, everyone thought i was weird because it looks so uncomfortable, but it soooo wasn't!

Haha nah it is like the definiton of comfyness :lol: Like a said i even do it if im in a double bed or sommat and have loads of room i still curl up :D


Well-known member

I used to... sometimes... but I haven't in a heck of a long time..


Well-known member
Funny, i'm the total opposite. I hate shit leaning against me when i'm trying to sleep, i have to stretch right out as far as i can. usually that means my feet will stick out at the end of the blanket and get nice and cool throughout the night :)
ktea said:
I cry into my pillow... like literally full-out sobbing. Sometimes I do wish it were a boy I was hugging, and he would tell me that everything would be alright,and that I'm not alone in this. psh yeah like that'll ever happen.
=( I'm so pathetic... I should probably do die.

Well, its better to let your emotions out than to keep them bottled in. And if you do need someone to tell you: "You're not alone! and even though life can suck big time, everything is going to be alright in the end. We all have to support each other because we need to realize that we arent fighting this war against misery alone." I hope you feel better, my friend.


Well-known member
Lol! I thought i was the only one who hugged their pillow! It's just comfy - i'm sort of a comfort junkie. But when i feel sad there's nothing i like better than curling up, hugging a pillow and listening to the rain outside.


Well-known member
The only thing I miss about my ex gf is the snuggling at night. So sometimes i wake up in the morning and the pillow is the replacement