Do you have a positive attitude


Well-known member
I tried to the positive thinking for a month and it made zero sense to me, i even transform all the positivity i got into a black hole of negativity lol


New member
I'm a positive person at the moment, and I'm hoping it stays that way, regardless of situation. I have in the past however found that when I've been in the public eye for too long, that I've become extremely negative, which is usually my cue to hibernate again.

As to why I'm so happy, is probably due to the fact that I can take the time to analyse myself and clean out a few skeletons, as well as to develop some interests. In-fact, I've grown to love my life, and have never been happier. I don't have to stress so much about what other people think of me, and I can just use my time to grow as a person.


Well-known member
Hmm...I have much more of a negative outlook to life and things in general, than a positive one. Hardly the Enegizer bunny rearing to go type of person.


Well-known member
I've been trying to be more positive lately. I've been reading self-improvement books like, "Awaken The Giant Within" by Tony Robbins. It's quite good and I've been feeling better lately.

One quote I like a lot is, "I live in a mental world. Nothing around me has any meaning except the meaning I give it with my thoughts. If I can my ways of thinking, I change my life." I think this quote is so damn true! Especially in regards to social anxiety/shyness.


Well-known member
I have a very black and white way of thinking most of the time. Life is either beautiful and great or it's just a living hell. Maybe I'm bipolar.... :p :confused: But I tend to be more pessimistic and misanthropic.


Well-known member
I'm a pessimist sadly. The smallest thing goes wrong for example a problem with my car and i get really depressed and i feel doomed.

I find that on this site i tend to appear more negative than i do with people in real life, then i put on an act.