Do you feel alot younger than you are at times?


Well-known member
Yeah I was 24 yesterday, but sometimes I feel like a little kid or somethin.
Sometimes I look in the mirror and see a little boy(not litrely), I feel alot younger than my actual age.
When I'm feelin this way out in public with other people the only way I can describe it is, you know when your a kid and your parents might have friends round and you are sort of pushed to one side while they have an "adult" conversation, well thats the sort of feeling I get sometimes. And it makes me feel week and fragile like if someone were to attack me verbally or or physically then I wouldn't have the strength to fight back. Which as a man damages your self pride and ego, and also brings you fear of someone taking the piss out of you and others seeing how week you are.

Sorry about the rant, I've just found it quiet usefull recently to just sit there, and write away at how I feel inside.

Would be interesting to see if other people feel like this.

Thanks :D


Well-known member
Yes, I feel like that too... :?

I'm not really sure how to describe it, but I just don't feel like an adult a lot of the time. I still feel like a child, (I'm 21 btw) and that others should/will/would still treat me as such... It's a strange feeling really. Well, I never wanted to grow up lol, I guess psychologically I didn't lol.


New member
Sometimes I get the feeling that I should not be expressing my opinion on certain topics, the same feeling I used to get when I was much younger and was only listening to adults' conversations.
I guess it is a little bit easier for me cause I am a female but still, I hate to feel as I'm still a child.


Well-known member
yea mate...I feel the exact same! I'm 24 too....but I look and feel much younger.....there's a part of me that's actually quite proud that I haven't grown up....I think its a good thing to keep a sense of wonder and innocence and naivety that you get as a kid.....but then there's other times when I feel just like what you get these manly men that can stand up in front of whole groups of people and take control so easily whereas I just feel so incompetent and weak...even the tiniest bit of responsibility assigned to me I have trouble if I'm asked to go and ask some other person a favour or asked to phone someone or whatever....but I'm getting I'm good at other people are different....we don't all have to be strong, take control, leader types....and I guess I shouldn't compare myself to others and should just concentrate on my own battles......hmm....but I definitely know what you's hard


Well-known member
Im actually kinda glad that im not the only one! Not that I actually wish this upon 24 but always feel and act like im still 13. Im always seriously suprised when I get treated like an adult. :(

Part of me believes that I stopped aging, emotionally, at that age. I was diagnosed as SP and major depressive at 14.


Well-known member
den1, I know exactly how you feel.

I'm 28 today, yet feel about 8 years younger. It scares me every b-day knowing that another year has passed, and each time I vow to myself, that this year will be different....

In truth I am getting there, but in most areas of my life, the progress seems painfully slow.


Well-known member
I think i was more mature when i was 17,18(31 better put rado31+ as my nick..). I often found myself on a childrens channel on tv or reading some comic that i had read when i was twelve i.e. :p

But, i must ask u...Do u feel old with that childish spirit in you? SA can very often physically hurt as well. Whadda controversy..


Well-known member
Wow didn't expect this many replies!

Happy birthday icelad, hope you have a good 1!
Was my birthday on thursday mate.

Yeah was out last night with some new friends I've made and I started to feel this way.

I was trying to get involved in the conversation, but just kept getting spoken over or ignored. I don't think they were purposefully and concieously doing this, but it made me feel a bit unrespected.

I always end up being the guy who every1 feels they can jokingly take the piss out of me, really not in a nasty way just guys being guys.

But maybe it is a good thing to be that person do you think?
Because it shows they know they can a have a laugh with you and obviously they do not see you as a threat.

Maybe when you can take the piss out of each other it shows you feel closer to that person perhaps? Because you are coming into someones space yet feel comfortable joking about them with no hard feeling between you.


Well-known member
Yeah for sure I feel younger than I am.

Remember when we were growing up and we saw all these adults and they were so calm and collected and thought they knew exactly who they were and what they wanted from life.

Now that I'm over 30, I'm one of those adults and I'm anything but calm and collected. I'm still like that little kid, confused and shaken..the only thing that really changes is that I get a little number ever year. The things that I used to enjoy like playing computer games just gets less and less exciting.


I know what you mean about being the guy that takes all the piss. I'm always that person. I think alot of that has to do with being the 'push-over' guy. They guy they know will just laugh and not fight back very often. The person that they talk over and not listen too much too. Sometimes its so brutal out there, where you have to like be assertive and fight for every inch, just to be respected. You would think that being nice and cool would mean that people respect you more. Some do I know..but most will walk over you if they get the chance. Atleast that's my experience.

Sometimes joking and taking the piss is about being closer. I find that more when its just you and the other person. If its a group setting, then its like they do it more to better position themselves socially, because they know its much more painful in a group. I dunno.


Well-known member
First of all happy birthday to den1 and IceLad. I don't know... as happy as a birthday can be.

For most people (I suppose non-SPic people) its probably a excuse to celebrate, as for me I donno, every birthday makes me think that extra number and the fact that I have only aged by a number only. I am especially conscious of big ones like 18,21 and 0 ones.

I too feel like a child.

I remember once this guy saying to his child, "let that man pass" referring to me. I felt so odd being referred to as a man. Like many here I too look young, but I suppose I must look older than 18 I guess.

Out of interest how do your parents treat you? Is it because you exhibit some aspects of child like behavior or is it normal for any parent? Does this affect your outlook?



Well-known member
SilentStranger said:
First of all happy birthday to den1 and IceLad. I don't know... as happy as a birthday can be.

For most people (I suppose non-SPic people) its probably a excuse to celebrate, as for me I donno, every birthday makes me think that extra number and the fact that I have only aged by a number only. I am especially conscious of big ones like 18,21 and 0 ones.

I too feel like a child.

I remember once this guy saying to his child, "let that man pass" referring to me. I felt so odd being referred to as a man. Like many here I too look young, but I suppose I must look older than 18 I guess.

Out of interest how do your parents treat you? Is it because you exhibit some aspects of child like behavior or is it normal for any parent? Does this affect your outlook?


My parents have always shown me alot of love which is good in one way but it doesn't really toughen you up for the big bad world.
I act ALOT differently while at home in a very childlike playful, upbeat way, which if I acted that way out socialising or at work I really do not think I would be accepted atall. People would think I wasn't all there in the head.

Does anyone else have this coragious wierd part of themselves that they only show to a few trusted people and sort of lock it away from others as you think theres no way this part of you would ever be accepted?

I always feel the need to act alot more "street" than I actually am, as a sort of defence, people often joke about me being dodgey or up to no good because of my accent (manchester) and this way I act around people I find threatening.

This just results me feeling like I've sold my soul and no-one gets to know the "real" me but at the same time I do not know how to orchestrate the "real me" in public.

At the same time I am wondering wether alot of people who are confident socialy do actually have to make an effort to "act" sociable? Like finding what your own ego is, which is the part of you that you act upon in social situations?


Well-known member
den1 said:
My parents have always shown me alot of love which is good in one way but it doesn't really toughen you up for the big bad world.

I know what you mean. My folks kinda did the same with me. They also drummed into me that I should be careful of strangers. No wonder I am SPic. I mean I am not blaming them for all my troubles, but it doesn't help always.

den1 said:
I act ALOT differently while at home in a very childlike playful, upbeat way, which if I acted that way out socialising or at work I really do not think I would be accepted atall. People would think I wasn't all there in the head.

Does anyone else have this coragious wierd part of themselves that they only show to a few trusted people and sort of lock it away from others as you think theres no way this part of you would ever be accepted?

I always feel the need to act alot more "street" than I actually am, as a sort of defence, people often joke about me being dodgey or up to no good because of my accent (manchester) and this way I act around people I find threatening.

Sorry I don't really understand demographics of UK too much. Everything I know about Britain, I have learnt from The Bill and I think all of you POMs are either Arsonists, Murders, Rapist or Drug dealers. :D and the rest of you are weirdos! (I watch Little Britain too). :)

den1 said:
This just results me feeling like I've sold my soul and no-one gets to know the "real" me but at the same time I do not know how to orchestrate the "real me" in public.

Hmm yeah... what sort of people would we be if we didn't have SP.

den1 said:
At the same time I am wondering wether alot of people who are confident socialy do actually have to make an effort to "act" sociable? Like finding what your own ego is, which is the part of you that you act upon in social situations?

Hmmm.. I don't know. A very interesting question.


New member
My mom is over 50 and we were talking about a similar topic... she said that she still feels like she is in her 20s alot but her body doesnt feel that way.


Well-known member
SilentStranger said:
Sorry I don't really understand demographics of UK too much. Everything I know about Britain, I have learnt from The Bill and I think all of you POMs are either Arsonists, Murders, Rapist or Drug dealers. :D and the rest of you are weirdos! (I watch Little Britain too). :)

lol! :D thats spot on mate!

You really have the Bill in the states?!!??

"Alwight Gavna"


Well-known member
SilentStranger said:
den1 said:
lol! :D thats spot on mate!

You really have the Bill in the states?!!??

"Alwight Gavna"

haha.... nah I am from Australia.

Oh right yeah. Sorry It's just me bein stupid. Says it under your name lol.

You really have the Bill in Australia ?!!??


I feel like my age, but I get treated like a 14 year old, becuase thats how old I look


I understand how everyones feeling i feel the same way when surrounded by a crowd of people like i turn 10 again and dont know how to interact with "grown ups" maybe its me but sometimes i think if you're socially awkward people tend to not exactly in a horrible way speak down to you but in a kind of they dont know how to treat you sort of way they speak down to you. So it makes you feel young again. If that makes any sense