Do you ever feel fake?


Active member
When I try to talk to someone I always feel I'm being extremely fake. It just feels completely fake and I probably come across as such. Hence, I prefer not to talk when I don't have to, but then people start thinking I'm an a.sshole
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Well-known member
I feel really fake when I'm forced into saying something through social convention. Like if it is someone's birthday but you aren't that close to them and people around you are wishing them a happy birthday you kind of have to go with it and wish them a happy birthday too. Not that I don't wish them well but I just think they wouldn't give a crap if I wish them a happy birthday or not. I think it's just my low self esteem devaluing myself again.


Well-known member
I don't think I can be myself because "myself" doesn't exist. I AM this fake person, there is nothing else.

Do you feel like a fake when you aren't talking to people? Do you think maybe you are over-analysing things because you find the interaction so difficult? I sometimes get hung up on my interactions with people. They often seem scripted especially with casual acquaintances who I don't really know in any depth.


Well-known member
yes. it is not that i aim to be fake; i aim to be authentic. but at the same time i get so nervous that i smile. it's involuntary, much like a dog's tail falls between its legs when it is nervous. except it is on my face as a declaration to the world, the unhidable state of my submissiveness.


Well-known member
I used to feel fake when I was talking to people. Some of my own experiences with happiness and affirmation by my therapist told me that there are various aspects of oneself one chooses to show and hide in social situations. Each is not really a facade that "hides" what is underneath. For example, during a job interview a person chooses to come across as straight-edge, intelligent, personable, blah blah. This is not really hiding something, i.e. being fake, but more of a social choice. Anxiety in certain people ends up destroying the normal fluidity of the social choice and causes them to attain a different perspective.

I don't know if that's all bull****, I'm a very confused boy, but it makes me feel better when my confusion starts to make me sick or feel suicidal.


This fake talk reminds me of how retail people greet you. The 'hi how are you?' social convention seems like a waste of time to me unless, of course, it leads to more valuable conversation.


Well-known member
I feel fake. I have to fake myself of looking happy and smiling all the time in college because my true self wouldnt be acceptable.


Well-known member
Not at all.

What you see is what you get.

It's probably one of my "problems", I don't follow the sheep and more than comfortable thinking for myself.

If anything I am more "real" and have a greater understanding of "reality".

Anyone that studies covert hypnosis at even a basic level can see how easily people can be manipulated. I sit and watch the news, commercials, ect...and observe the public reaction and don't know if I want to laugh or shake my head in disbelief.
I can relate to a lot of this. And someone said about wishing happy birthday because its expected, or anything like that (merry christmas, happy anniversey etc), I always feel it comes across as fake, and not because I dont want to give good wishes, but maybe more out of fear I dont come across like a sincere person. Im always afraid people are judging me.
And this past weekend I went to a party and I didnt feel like I was being myself, I felt like I was putting up a fake, happy front even though thats not what I felt. I just wanted to leave but felt trapped there, even though I wanted to go, I didnt know I would end up feeling like that.
When I'm around others, always. Mostly because the ''real me'' is bat s**t crazy. ;3

I actually make people very uncomfortable, and even scared when I'm myself. :/
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Active member
Do you feel like a fake when you aren't talking to people? Do you think maybe you are over-analysing things because you find the interaction so difficult? I sometimes get hung up on my interactions with people. They often seem scripted especially with casual acquaintances who I don't really know in any depth.
I really don't know, I just wish I was dead.


Active member
yes. it is not that i aim to be fake; i aim to be authentic. but at the same time i get so nervous that i smile. it's involuntary, much like a dog's tail falls between its legs when it is nervous. except it is on my face as a declaration to the world, the unhidable state of my submissiveness.
yes, i smile too when i feel anxious, it just happens automatically. i must come across as gay or something.


I created a sort of 'persona' to hide the fact that I'm still a terrified child deep down, but now everyone expects me to keep to it and normally I can, but it comes back to bite me in the a** when I fall apart because it's so 'unexpected' to most people.
I wish I'd never pretended to be this confident happy person everyone knows, but I guess I'm lucky in a sense that I can often hide behind it and noone knows how 'broken' I really am..


Take a moment and ask yourself this question:

Would you rather be hated for who you are or loved for someone you're not?


See, I'd rather be loved for someone I'm not than hated for who I am. That way, when it all goes t*ts up, I'm hated for someone I'm not. I know it's not healthy.. but still..