Do you ever feel anxious about answering question on here

Sometimes I will type out everything I am going to say and then decided not to post. Or I will go back and read what I have posted and think "Fuck I need to take that down, people will think I am weird."


Well-known member
Yup, same here. Every time I post a reply I have second thoughts. After I've posted, I cringe when I see my screen name up there, because it makes me feel really exposed and vulnerable. I lurked here for about two years before getting up the nerve to interact, and I'm still not brave enough to start a topic. I'm always afraid of how stupid I sound when replying, that I'm going off-topic, that someone will say something mean or challenge my opinion, etc. Typical insecurities that are always nagging at me, even as I type now!


Well-known member
Lol yup... I do that all the time. Not just on here but anywhere. Not really an insecurity or nervous.. just reading back through it it doesn't answer the question correctly, derails on about something else, or I hadn't read the question carefully enough and found I replied in a way the OP wasn't looking for.

And sometimes it just goes on waaay too long or just seems cheesy and I don't feel like redoing it.


Well-known member
yes i do do that, but not as much as i do on other websites or forums because i feel everyone here is probably more patient and understanding


I do, and like Chod i've written a reply then decided not to post it at all. I think it will get better after i have been here for longer though.


Well-known member
Once in awhile I might. But usually not. Making a new topic is HARD! Ive deleted a few Ive made cause I felt soooo retarded for writing them.

Im actually more anxious and embarrassed about posts I made a long time ago. Ive been trying to delete them. But cant find all of em :(

Oh Snap... This is my 3"69"th post.... RaWr


Well-known member
yeah, frikkin...think you have something clever and important to say so you write like a page of shit.

then you start proof reading it and you get this sudden realization
"maybe i shouldn't post this...... i can't post this!"

so you delete the entire thing and cry because you just wasted 15 minutes writing it. i do that at least once every few days.
responding to stuff is easy though.


Well-known member
so you write like a page of shit.

then you start proof reading it and you get this sudden realization
"maybe i shouldn't post this...... i can't post this!"

so you delete the entire thing and cry because you just wasted 15 minutes writing it. i do that at least once every few days.
responding to stuff is easy though.

I thought I'm the only one doing those things! :p


Well-known member
I always do. I hate everything I write down because I don't know how to explain things, I get defensive and write something stupid and then delete it.
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Well-known member
I think you'll find that most people with social anxiety issues have nearly as much trouble communicating online as they do in person. Many will even have trouble under anonymity and when not exposing anything about themselves personally, although we often make use of both of those conditions.

This would seem at first glance to make no sense, but it's actually quite revealing. It shows that the fear we experience isn't tied to the face-to-face interactions that we so often avoid. It's entirely bound up within ourselves, and our own sense of identity and self-worth. If you don't post something you've written, it isn't because of anything that has actually transpired (such as the rejection that you fear will happen), it's because you're choosing to avoid that very small risk (infinitesimally small here!) in exchange for the safe and comfortable option of censoring yourself.

But think about the trade-off here: when you don't post, you're trading a possible (but extremely unlikely) rejection for a guarantee that you'll feel bad about the wasted effort. If you stop and think about it, that's a terrible deal. You'll be happier if you post than if you don't.
^^yep I agree

for me I can talk to people on msn or something and completely be myself, but for what ever reason when I actually have to open my mouth and talk that's when the anxiety comes. So I can easily reply to posts on forums..I did delete a post I made once though because nobody was responding so I felt like a bit of an idiot