Do you ever cry because of social anxiety?


Well-known member
Sometimes I start crying and I dont know why. I have been doing that abit lately but that is because I cant handle being on my own anymore and cant handle the isolation. My life is so empty but I know in order to change I need to face my fears and get help. Sometimes all it takes is a sad song on the radio to make me feel down and teary.


I wish i could cry. things are soooo crazy right now that i wish i could just cry and hopefully, i would feel better.

each time i hear my residential college mates laughing and having fun outside my room, it gets worst.

oh well....


I used to spend more time crying than anything else. Sometimes it was for obvious reasons othertimes it was just for no reason that I could work out.
It was almost as if I had the crying button stuck or something.
I haven't actually cried in a while now but I probbaly shouldn't have said that , I'll probbaly start it again.


Well-known member
About an hour ago I was playing an RPG and one of the main charicters in the story I started crying.

But yes I've cried from social anxiety, one time I was in a gerocery store with my mom and I had a horrible panic attack, so I quickly left the store and ran to my moms car crying till she got back.

And somtimes I'll sit in my room and cry for no yeah you're not a pussy..I cry alot too.


Well-known member
eviltwin said:
almost everytime i get a panic attack or anxiety i end up a mess
yeah, me too eviltwin...and i'm always hiding and holding in so much frustration...i think crying is like a release valve or something :roll:


it definatly is a release valve, especially for me because im one fo those people that takes alot to cry, im not normally emotional and after crying you always tend to feel much better


Well-known member
I cry all the time, over every little thing, I cry when people look at me like I'm stupid, I cry when I can't do the things I want to do, and I cry for the life I should have, I cry when I see "Normal" people complaining how bad their lives are, don't they realise how lucky they are? Why do the most selfish and ungrateful people have everything?


i cna understand exactly how you feel, people that have been so so mean to me seem to be so much more of a person than me, but in reality i can see that i can be one of those people living life to the full to, life is what you make of it and someday you will be a very happy person i can garrantee it. i know how hard it is, and how hard life can be it's a shame how much people take things for granted isn't it. :(


Well-known member
Who doesnt cry like every day cause of SA??

It's normal considering we are going through an emotional disorder.... and like other people said it is healthy if you need to.


Well-known member
I think crying is necessary to release pains, frustrations, bad emotions, etc.
It is difficult for me to cry, because i cannot do it and i need to.
i cry inside, but tears don' t come out.


New member
hi..... i just tried going to my first party in a LONG time (maybe over 2 years i dont know), and the only person i knew was the one who was hosting the party...

i didn't last long.. as soon as i got there i felt horrible, and after about 45mins of staring at the ground and afraid to look at anyone's face, i told the guy that i was going home... so i did.. and proceeded to start crying in the car.....

i knew this would happen because i only knew one person at the party......

ive been playing table tennis for 6 months too... when i first went to the game nights, i was again too scared to talk to anyone and i looked at the ground.. it took me a few weeks before i finally asked someone to practise playing with me.... over the years i did build up some confidence for parties and such, but in the past couple of years, i have had no friends at all, and the social phobia has built up immensely again.... i just got over my bad bad depression last year, and ive had a heap of other mental health problems too...

i read this forum and it seems like you guys are all like me!!. yayaya :roll: