My point was that why does the experience have to be Vegas? Was the point that doing things to have something to say is shallow?
sorry, i'm having a hard time following you. i had to reread this a couple of times. anyway, my point simply answered the question of the subject line that, yes, everyone does things, on some level, with the intent to share it with others. some broadcast it to the world, some share it only with a few others. that is part of what experiences are about. people like to share. that, in itself, is not shallow... rather, human nature.
but, i think there are a lot of people who do stupid, flamboyant things for the sake of attention and lack of creativity. (just look at american media) so, really i think there is a scale to the shallowness of it depending on what they do, the extent they go to, and how they broadcast it. everything's relative, right?
as far as people challenging themselves, yeah, people should push themselves a little, obviously. but don't feign interest in things just to have something to talk about.
i suppose i mentioned the vegas thing because i know a coworker who really gave me the vibe that she went to vegas solely so she had something to talk about. like, "hey, i am going to vegas just so that i can say i went to vegas. and now let me talk about how i drank. in vegas."