Do you believe violence is necessary


Do you think violence is something that can be avoided in place of more peaceful resolutions...or do you think violence (to stand up for yourself) is sometimes necessary depending on the context.
Unless someone breaks into your house or something (or on a more national scale, attacks your country), there is no reason for violence. There's nothing wrong with using violence as a last resort to keep yourself alive, but beyond that, it's wrong.


Well-known member
Unless someone breaks into your house or something (or on a more national scale, attacks your country), there is no reason for violence. There's nothing wrong with using violence as a last resort to keep yourself alive, but beyond that, it's wrong.

Agreed. I'd also like to add when someone is trying to induce aggravated/sexual assault upon you, especially sexual assault. That's the moment when I would miraculously pull out a pair of sheers from... somewhere and chop that sicko's ambitious little appendage off! *does BiWinning's signature serious face* ::p:

On a more *actually* serious note, it really just all depends on the situation. There are indeed times when violence is the only answer.
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To start a revolution,violence is needed. What revolution has been without it? Yeah,I condone violence,sometimes it's necessary for more than just self defence.

But what revolution has truly brought change? None. It's always destroy the old system to make way for a new system. The new system might be temporarily better, but it always grows beyond its means and then before you know it, you need another revolution. It's an endless cycle, really.
The first revolution to bring real change (and real freedom) will be the totally nonviolent revolution. Rather than saying "ditch this government and put in a new one" you say "screw it, we're not being governed anymore." The government is only as powerful as people let it be. When the people reach the mindset of "we're not being governed anymore", it won't matter whether it's Stalin or some supposedly "by the people, of the people, for the people" democracy, the people will no longer be ruled, and there will be real change. There will be a group of people who can never again be taken over.

But that's just my anarchist perspective.


I dont condone violence, but I accept that sometimes it is inevitable. There will always be people who will use intimidation and aggression to get what they want, even if that means using force. In those cases, yes, violence may be necessary, if thats what it takes to protect yourself and fight back...and only if there is no other way. Actively using violence as a means to get what you want, I cant accept.. to me it is simply an illustration of humanity's self destructive nature.
violets before violence



Well-known member
I posted this in another thread. Sometimes you are left with no option.

At school I was short and scrawny. I was bullied because I was an easy target but I
took a stand. I had taken enough after being bullied for years (started in primary school and went on into high school till I was 13) so after one particular episode in which the last lesson of the day (woodwork) I had my bag nailed to the desk I snapped. I stood there and demanded that the person who did it remove it and give me it back. It just so happened it was the alpha male who all the others followed, the 'hardest' kid in our year. So he walked up to me and asked me what I was going to do about it. Now I deplore violence, and I would never advocate it but at the time my head just went. I grabbed him in a headlock and dropped to my knees, I repeatedly punched him in the face then smashed his head into the floor.
I got away with a warning after the head teacher found out what had been going on and someone, whom I never found out who it was, came forward as a witness to the bullying. Needless to say, no-one ever bothered me again through school. They just spoke about me behind my back, which I didn't mind because they weren't physicaly attacking me or messing with my stuff anymore.
But like I said, I do not advocate violence in any way shape or form.


Well-known member
I abhor violence, except for in fiction. That said I think it is sometimes necessary when it benefits the greater good. For example neutralizing terrorists and dictators to stop genocide and other such evils, and of course also in self-defense.


Well-known member
I remember a quote from a book..."if a man comes at you with an axe, you can pick up your Bible, if you wish. But I'll pick up my pistol. We'll see who fairs better in the end"

Saying violence is bad sounds nice, until there's an imminent threat.
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