do u believe in God???

I would like to say no but then what if I am wrong.
I would like to say yes but I won't really mean it.



I personally don’t believe there is any “god” out there that cares for this planet or insects living on it. It makes no sense.


Well-known member
I dont beleive but its a good thing. I might going to church so I can have that unity with other people :)


Well-known member
I would like to say no but then what if I am wrong.
I would like to say yes but I won't really mean it.


You and I, my friend, are Agnostic. We do not claim that there is any kind of God(s), yet we also acknowledge the possibility of a higher power in existence.

It's a fancy word for "I don't know, now leave me alone" lol.
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Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
yes and for very complex reasons.

I believe in God because of licorice

I believe in the devil because of cockroaches, interviews, and the dmv
I must believe in God, cause if I didn't the consequences would be fatal.. it just makes u feel better... and about atheist who believe in evolution... if everything evolved from everything what did the first thing evolve from... they're all set up to logic.. let's be logical.. I can curse God and everything... but he's still there and it makes me even more angry - so why doesn't he help me??! I have patience... but it's been a long time...

Off The Wall

Well-known member
I do. For loads of reasons. I mean i don't go to church or anything like that i would though, but i can't sit here and tell you i know for sure, or even know anything about it really...

and Chained - i use to be exacty like that i believed in God so why the heck was i going through something like this?... But then you can't really say "I believe in God, now take away all my problems"... not that i know anything about religion but i'm pretty sure you have to like serve him in some way? Do you go to church? Do your pray? Do you ask for forgiveness for your sins? (gosh i sound like a bible freak ha, i have never read it) In Gods eyes... something as simple as lusting over someone is considered a sin. You can't just wake up oneday and expect your life to be better because you believe, You gotta to the hard yards he'll just be there to help you, get you on the right path, be there when you feel as if you have no one...

Depends what your perception of "God" is though.


I must believe in God, cause if I didn't the consequences would be fatal.. it just makes u feel better... and about atheist who believe in evolution... if everything evolved from everything what did the first thing evolve from... they're all set up to logic.. let's be logical.. I can curse God and everything... but he's still there and it makes me even more angry - so why doesn't he help me??! I have patience... but it's been a long time...

The first "thing" was a primitive microorganism that came to be from the chemicals that make up life (Hydrogen, Oxygen, Carbon, Phosphorous, Nitrogen, Sulfur) coming together and forming "building blocks". It went on from there. We're all descended from primitive single-celled bacteria.


Well-known member
I must believe in God, cause if I didn't the consequences would be fatal.. it just makes u feel better... and about atheist who believe in evolution... if everything evolved from everything what did the first thing evolve from... they're all set up to logic.. let's be logical.. I can curse God and everything... but he's still there and it makes me even more angry - so why doesn't he help me??! I have patience... but it's been a long time...

Are you serious?

Anyway, I don't believe in God per se (believing in some guy that was a big shot in a fictional book seems funny to me), but I believe in spirituality.