Do nerds win in the end?

I know the last post was made over a month ago but I still felt that I had to comment on this, probably because its still on page 1.

Its stupid to think that the popular kids will have the same attitude and personality through their whole life, alot of guys can be wild in their youth but still calm down & become more sensible when they are at the 'settling down' age. How somebody acted back in their school years is irrelevant.

Nerds don't necessarily get the best jobs either. The 'nerds' ive known had little confidence to push themselves to get to the level they were capable of, while the confident guys could push themselves & were alot more determined to get themselves as high as they could.

I wish I was one of the confident guys myself, I make sure I dont show any of my SA & try and look as strong as possible with my peers but inside is a whole different story. Ive had 0 confidence since I can remember but try my hardest to hide it.


Well-known member
when they grow up, they win, if you keep being a teenager nerd for the rest of your life , no matter who you are , you gonna be screwed...


you're forgetting about nerd girls, who can't do any better than nerd guys. most men on this site seem to think of all women as shallow, pretty, socially apt creatures. wrong.


Well-known member
id rather talk to nerds who act like themselves, than ignorant strutting idiots who think they can get by in life by acting like peacocks.

but im not a girl... id say a similar opinion is probably shared by girls that are worth being with.


Well-known member
Nerdy girls must be the most rare kind of stereotype. (O,o) Maybe the least popular too.


Well-known member
depens if they have some complex or not and if they break that complex, like SA...

I believe that i was a total nerd on school , and knowing the comunitty where i've raised, i believe i've made a good sucess , but if i wasnt so avoidant and awkward i could do much better, i'm far more sucessful then those apple polishers and cocky guys back at school!

The problem is seeing the non-nerd people as being intelectually inferior to the nerds/geeks.

I have friends wich were nerdy and which weren't nerdy that do very good in life...

Personally the guy who have the most sucess between the people who i studied with at high school is my friend since those days.

One of the main factor that makes me want to overcome my low self steam and social anxiety is being suceful, i've seen some suceful people with ocd or other problems but i sincerelly never seen some guy which barelly can talk to know people make great sucess on life.

hope it's not very harsh... but this is something that keeps me going, i want to become a better me! i want to overcome my problems, i want to be happy and suceful in my life!


Well-known member
sabbath92003 said:
JonnyD_ said:
i want to overcome my problems, i want to be happy and suceful in my life!

Do you mean successful?

And when i become more confident i could even take some grammar lessons :p, thank you for correcting!
not everyone with shyness or social phobia is a nerd man. im probably one of about 3 people in the world that has this and can get any girl i want. really. for example, i hardly start a conversation with girls, but the most beautiful girls (based on everyone's opinion) in my degree have all already said something to me first. and back in school the by far most beautiful girl in class liked me and i liked her. i was just too shy and red to do anything. sorry for being cocky but i really need to keep my morale up, i hope i dont make you feel like shit. so based on my experience, the nerds hardly get the best girls, sorry. and jobs arent the essence of life, or everyone in this forums would be happy and not fucked up because everyones smart here. the people that win in the end, is, for example, me if i overcome this. that's why im so obssessed about overcoming it, im still young and theres this thin wall that separates perfection from shit, im still on the shit side, its that much of a little step thats much bigger in reality. to win in life, you need brains, looks and sociability. nerds only got brains.


Pssh..You guys are watching too much Disney Teen movies. When I was in high school. I didn't really notice people like that, I mean the jocks were nice to me. I wasn't popular, but i had plenty of friend, not all necessarily nerds. I even had some beautiful girls had crushes on me also. But i'm pretty sure u guys know the story for that...

Maybe it was the fact that my HS didn't have many white kids. It was full of asian people, and we don't really do that sterotypical thing that white kids do. Not trying to offend anyone, but i think the media is brain washing all of us into thinking that its like that.

All my 4 years in HS, i had never seen anything other than fighting. No kid getting his head dump in the toilet, shoving in lockers, or what not. This is just all bull.
There's no winning, nor losing in life.. Everyone gets what their circumstances and situation allows them to have at that particular time. No ultimate rewards, no ultimate punishments.

Life is dynamic and uncertain, live in the here and now. Day by day.


Well-known member
In case you didn't know: nerds like me never win. We are only good enough to help people and get used by other people.


Well-known member
Well, it's very possibly they can win out, particularly if they make something of themselves. Though it's quite generalizing...I mean nerds? vs the popular? kid. When it comes to getting married...yes, a woman would want someone who is more secure, safe. Doesn't necessarily have to be a nerd though.

Exactly what I have in mind. :)


Well-known member
There was an interesting article I read recently about whether opposites attract. In some cases the old saying is true and in other cases not.

For example, people often merry the same personality type -- that is, extrovert marries extrovert, physically attractive people are drawn to each other, fitness conscious is drawn to fitness conscious, et cetera.

But sometimes, people marry opposites if they have a good reason to, such as if the other person balances out some kind of deficiency that they have in themselves. For example, beautiful woman might marry a homely but financially successful man in order to gain stability, the not so talented guy with a good family may trade his pedigree for a mate who's very talented but from a poor family, etc.