Do nerds win in the end?


Well-known member
That's why we should try to choke our needs insteal of having hope that they will be pleased one day. >:} Stop liking love. No one would ever like anyone like us. We know it ourselves.


Active member
Kien said:
That's why we should try to choke our needs insteal of having hope that they will be pleased one day. >:} Stop liking love. No one would ever like anyone like us. We know it ourselves.

Couldn't agree more. I'm slowly losing all hope, trying to suppress my needs and desires. If i ever do that maybe i can live a somewhat of a normal life.


Well-known member
Btw, I don't even know if it's possible loosa all such desire. (Cliff Richard is a well living succesful singer and he has never been with a woman. :?) It's not fun trying fighting against your feelings all the time. It's never pleasant.


Well-known member
theman said:
would a woman rather marry a guy who was a nerd in school or would she prefer the guy who was the most popular kid in school?
It depends who's got the bigger bank balance.

burner21 said:
Most to all "nerds"- smart guys end up having good jobs
The popular guys will always land the better jobs because they have better connections.

tommy_15 said:
Where I went to school, none of that means shit. Whos the toughest, whos got the most boys to bring if theres a fight, whos got the reputation on the street outside of school, thats whos cool.
That sounds just like the average British school! :lol:

tommy_15 said:
My mate, he wasnt a nerd, but he was someone that no one really took much notice of. No one really pushed him around that much, because he was low key. Anyway, was one of the schools best football players.
As well as the fighters and hardknocks, the good football (soccer) players are well regarded in UK schools too.

From what I gather of American 'jocks', they sound like a bunch of spoiled rich kids, many of whom wouldn't last 5 mins in a British school playground.


Well-known member
AsHLeY said:
I really don't get why they call them the "popular" people. 3/4's of every school think that the "popular" people are jack-asses ~ therefore, they really aren't all that popular, now are they?? My school called that crowd the "snotty kids!" Lmao.
That's what I've always said. Like, they're only popular within their own group, in the same way a nerd kid could be considered popular within his nerd group.

Personally, I would much rather the "nerd" to the "popular" guy. Someone who is nice, not cocky, and who likes staying in more than they like going out clubbing, partying, drinking, and all that. And I definitely don't equate "nerd" to "ugly." I've seen loads of nerds that are good-looking, same as I've seen plenty of "jocks" who aren't so good-looking.


Well-known member
you lot need to get a grip who gives a shit who wins we're all jus trying to get by,this is a message from the heart NERDS ROCK!


Well-known member
Carstuar said:
How about the people who are neither smart nor popular? Didn't think so. :\
We are the weak. But unlike in the animal kingdome, humans doesn't extinct that easily. We always try to continue and we seem to succed in one way or another, keeping the suffering going until we die of age.


Well-known member
SocialRetahd said:
Females marry for money. That is why it looks like the nerds win, but they really don't. The females are no more attracted to them then they were when they were in their prime. It's just that now females want a children. They'll still cheat on the nerd with the cool good looking guy.

and we have a winner


Well-known member
Some NERDS are quite annoying, some others aren't. Like some cool people are annoying others aren't. But I've seen more annoying NERDS that the "cool people". They would tease me for my math skills fucking NERDS. lol You never been around a nerd for that long if you say that you prefer to be around a nerd instead of a confident cool person. ONE MORE THING NERDS R confident... I go to a university that only nerds go to, and they got me sick.

The coolest person you'll ever meet is the medium geek.


Well-known member
SocialButterSlip said:
You never been around a nerd for that long if you say that you prefer to be around a nerd instead of a confident cool person. ONE MORE THING NERDS R confident...

I'm constantly surrounded by them and still like them, and beleive me they aren't all confident!

What type of nerds are you talking about!? :lol:


Well-known member
coriander1992 said:
SocialButterSlip said:
You never been around a nerd for that long if you say that you prefer to be around a nerd instead of a confident cool person. ONE MORE THING NERDS R confident...

I'm constantly surrounded by them and still like them, and beleive me they aren't all confident!

What type of nerds are you talking about!? :lol:

This type,

Professor " Who wants to answer the super hard question?"


Professor "You"




Well-known member
SocialButterSlip said:
coriander1992 said:
SocialButterSlip said:
You never been around a nerd for that long if you say that you prefer to be around a nerd instead of a confident cool person. ONE MORE THING NERDS R confident...

I'm constantly surrounded by them and still like them, and beleive me they aren't all confident!

What type of nerds are you talking about!? :lol:

This type,

Professor " Who wants to answer the super hard question?"


Professor "You"


Well if they get the pee taken out of them for everything else, surely they have to have some sort of "Fuck you" for the rest of the world :wink:


Well-known member
tommy_15 said:
When I was growing up I never understood the American system of "cool". From what I'd seen on television (and in this thread) in American high schools cool is the guy that is "popular" and plays sport, or is a "jock" :lol:

Where I went to school, none of that means shit. Whos the toughest, whos got the most boys to bring if theres a fight, whos got the reputation on the street outside of school, thats whos cool. If you open your mouth because your a "jock" youl sooner get your head kicked in than be surrounded by cute cheerleaders :lol:

In my school it was the same, the more thuggish you were, the more popular you would be,if you messed with one of these guys they would bring like 30 others to kick your ass....I guess its like this everywhere...


Active member
Definitely the guys who were 'nerdy' at school win hands down over the popular ones. Maybe they weren't so appreciated at the time but I think that they are more so now. Can't stand those arrogant, over-confident, up-themselves guys. Give me a sweet, nice, thoughtful and sensitive guy any day.


Well-known member
I'm a nerd but i'm also a pessimist so i'll give my thoughts (being a massively experienced 20 year old, /sarcasm). I'm pretty sure nerds can win in the end, i think it's hte people who enjoy life and have something genuine to offer to another human being that win in the end. That's not necessarily dictated by your place in the social jungle (nerd, pretty boy, etc) but i would guess it probably leans away from nerds. From my experience us nerds have pretty bad self esteem which is our biggest downfall. I know how i developped my self esteem problem. But it's true evolutionarily women were spupposed to marry for money (men for beauty) but it's probably not the case as much anymore although that still plays a large role.