Distance to work/college


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How far do you have to commute to work/college?

I do a round trip of 60 miles to work 5 days a week.


Well-known member
Costs me £30 a week. My car mileage was 32,000 when i bought it in 2003 now it's 117,000!

Yeah the roads here are pretty bad. I live in an unconvenient place where everything is far away.


Well-known member
my school is on the other side of the country, but since my country is a very tiny island i travel from 1 end to the other end when i go to school so thats about 80 kilometers (the country is about 100 kilometers across), but i take the train so its a 1 hour train ride each trip.

i make 2 trips or more a day, to school and back home, so on average i take 2 hours of transport and travel 150-180 kilometers a day.


Well-known member
Work Is about 8 minutes driving,if there arent many cars on the street,if there are I take about 15.


Well-known member
OMG, 60 miles... its almost 100km, i'm not sure if i even traveled that far !!!

i work about 15 miles from here, this takes about 1 hour to go on bus because the full of holes dirt roads and the terrain, the city is small so to most people its very far... it's a countryside city and i live in the country side of a countryside ciy... you get what it looks like :p

i'm a chicken so i dont drive :oops: , i cant get the licence :(


Well-known member
My school is about 25-30 minutes away from me. My work takes about 30-40 minutes, depending on whether it is rush hour or not. I hate driving, too. I would take a personal chauffeur over a cook or maid anyday.


Well-known member
It takes me 40 minutes on a good day and that's being a good boy and keeping to the speed limit :D


Well-known member
60 miles, meaning 30 going and 30 coming is not rare at all in the Los Angeles area. Matter of fact that's about average.

I work about 10 miles away, so 20 mi. round trip. I take about 10 minutes on the freeway to get there. The freeway is right next to my home and also right next to my job.


Well-known member
I live in Bay Area, CA. That's small time mileage here =) I knew someone who drove 100 miles... Roundtrip of course. I have actually almost the same maybe 50 miles roundtrip a little less to school in San Francisco. Out of work currently. However I used to hate driving and had major anxiety now I love it (except weird city stuff). Especially this commute mostly on the freeway; 280 beautiful landscape and everyone drives quick lol and wide freeway too. Getting home though have to drive through a big mall and annoying merge backonto freeway but otherwise... I don't mind driving this distance! My checkbook disagrees however =)
I only do a 5 minute walk to college in the morning because I live on campus :D and I don't work...although unless I change my drinking habits I'm gonna have to get a job because I get drunk like every night :(