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I was dating a girl and we were madly in love. She isn't from my city and had come down to meet me for the 1st time n things didn't exactly go the way they were supposed to coz of my parents and a million other things and she asked me for a break and also said she still loves me and will make an effort. After a week she went back to her own city and we didn't talk much and i complained about it n she started saying things like 'You're always complaining and you're nothing but drama,' but the truth is that I was being extra loving coz I felt bad about spoiling her trip which actually wasn't even my fault. Then the next day I called her again n she was again like 'I'm so content being single and guys only hold u down.' So I thought its time i gave her a little space. 2 weeks we didn't talk and suddenly I receive a msg from her yesterday saying 'Hey I've been dating a guy for the past few days and its going to be on facebook soon. I didn't want u to find out that way and I'm sure you'll find the one for you. Lots of love and never change.' I was devastated when I got this and angry too. So I just deleted her and all her friends in my list on facebook and I asked all my friends to delete her. I felt disappointed coz I did soo much for her. I literally fought with my parents for her. I don't know if deleting her was the right thing but I don't think after what she did she deserves anything from me. Those 2 weeks all that was going on in my mind was how to get her back and when I was busy doing this she was with another guy. Coincidentally my sister is in her city right now and she bumped into my ex who apparently was with her new guy and another friend... Plus when my ex saw my sister she started walking fast coz she didnt want to confront my sister so this proves she's guilty... I feel bad coz I did a lot for her and more than heart broken I'm disappointed... I had a lot of faith in this relationship and its kinda hard to let go... Any advice people??