Dirty look syndrome


Well-known member
fo u always think people are giving u dirty looks i get this all the time escpecially when i used to be in crowds i always afraid to look at people aswell as i think they think that im giving them dirty looks its a dillemma i hate and will probably have to go through again


Well-known member
Everywhere, all the time. Always discourages me from venturing into public. Heck even crossing the the street I imagine all of the drivers boring down on me as they wait for the light to change.


I get dirty looks all the time. Its very upsetting for me because I feel like I dont do anything wrong and it hurts my feelings. There is one girl who looks like she is absolutely disgusted with my existence, there is another one who sort of laughs and rolls her eyes when she sees me, like I am the epitome of inferiority...Seems to happen a little too often with most people...whats worse is that no one seems to believe me and think that its all in my head...when I know that its not! I just think people dont like the way I look, and makes me feel like I just shouldnt bother with people because I never seem to get a chance...


Active member
The easiest way to get over this problem is to know yourself. If you know yourself then you will know that you have done nothing to warrant a dirty look from the other person and if they want to allow that type of negativity into their lives that is their responsibility, not yours.

So long as you are responsible for your own choices and actions, there is no reason why other peoples actions and choices should become your responsibility. Know yourself and be free of the worries of what others think.


Well-known member
i know this is a hard thing to overcome, but i believe that people stare at me because im showing my anxiety. im trying to overcome this by smiling at people, its hard and my smile feels fake but 9 times out of 10, ive found that those who stare at me smile back and sometimes say, good morning or afternoon. i get a warm feeling when someone smiles back and my confidence slowly grows. try it, you might just surprise yourself. :)


Well-known member
hi, understand where you're coming from. I am worried about giving out dirty looks as I get stressed easily, and find it difficult to relax my gaze it tends to get fixated on one eye or one point, it's pure hell for me.


Well-known member
For me, the best way to deal with this persistent problem was to give dirty looks back.


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