Did you ever loved somebody for real?


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I loved my ex boyfriend, but he said he had to get away from me, because my lack of being social was just too much. But I loved him to death, he was the center of my world, and now he's not mine and if I don't do something drastic, and get it together, the future will not have a second chance for me.


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Well it's more of a crush really :oops: :oops: !

It's lasted for over 1½ years now! Getting a bit tiring, but it's the first time I've ever felt these feeling toward anyone before..


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In the end of seeing someone i always question if i ever loved them.... so i cant eveer tell if i loved someone. i think im far to into my own problems and letting people in it becomes the main life issue.
Im pretttttty sure im in love now, i cant tell anymore.


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I fell in love with a spanish girl when i was 16. I hated her at first, she was such a snob. But we were the only two people from my village who went to the same school and took the same bus, so every morning i sort of had to walk with her. But then, a couple of months later, i was sitting in the living room with my parents and... i burst out crying. I made an excuse to them that i just wasn't coping with the hole move to spain thing (but in reality i realized i was in love, and thought i'd never be able to have her :( )

Eventually i found out she loved me too, but our relationship never developed past sitting on the bus together and kissing from time to time (not often enough though...) We went out once overall, even though i asked her everyday.

She must have hated me tbh, also hated the fact that she'd fallen in love with me (she considered me a bit of a lowlife). I can't really explain it any other way. Anyway things become hazy here... we broke up, i dropped out of the instituto, my parents and i moved back to england, i began to hate myself and tried as hard as i could to change myself but gave up everything i loved and lived for on the way... and have got very little out of it.. managed to overcome socialphobia for a while thanks to severe depression and fuckfuckitallgrrremobashtard attitude... but now i started university it's more or less back.

There, love ain't all it's cracked up to be...



I think love is a word which gets thrown around alot.But the first girl i think I ever loved was a girl at school called Hollie.She wasnt anything stunning to look at... but to me she was gorgeous i really did fall in love with her personality.I liked her from the day I met her when we started school and i really did love her all the way through school for like 5 years.But she never felt the same sadly.She did kiss me on our prom night and thats one of the happiest memories i have :)

I also loved someone else i met over the internet.I would of done anything for that girl and we spoke for like years over the internet and were planning on getting together.But she slept with someone else and broke my heart.Maybe for the best tho i think im too damaged to have a relationship. :?
Well I met this one girl in the college dorm room 2 doors down while I was drunk one night, I invited her to come watch wedding crashers with me while our room mates did it..

Well I did the old "yawn and put your arm around her" thing and she leaned right into me! Then fell asleep on my lap :) so we cuddled all night. Then a week later I saw her again, I was drunk again haha. So I tried to get with her but she laughed at me :( so I left, then the next night at like 4 in the morning she came over to sleep with me again. Just cuddled again. Then the next night our room mates were gonna do it again so I went to see her but she was all huddled in her bed watchin a movie so I left. Then on tuesday she came over and said she was dropping out and moving back to her hometown so I got all sad but I asked for her email and she gave it to me so since then she texted me and we talk on msn multiple times a day! For a while she was into me and I was into her. On Halloween when she came to visit we even went all the way!!! But I guess I waited too long or something and now she's made it clear she just wants to be friends (She moved back to the city I'm going to college in like 2 weeks ago, I was waiting for her to move back before I tried anything) I act like I'm fine and don't care but deep down I really want her! :( And she says she's going to Hawaii in February and might not come back :'(. She's like my only friend she actually listens to me when I complain about problems and stuff. I DON'T WANT HER TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


the way I see love.. I sometimes believe I am unable to love... yet sometimes believe I am, and don't limit it only to romantic love.. but more so like unconditional or spiritual love like being at peace with your current stance. In that case it would seem that I love everything and everyone because it is supposed to connect me to positivity and my goals. It might be a very unrealistic ideal though.... Some might see me as ignorant. Well maybe I am.

I just think love is not limited to only sexual or romantic love.


Well-known member
i've been in love only 1 time in my life ,was a redhead girl ,she was beautiful to me ,and everytime she was around my soul was out of my body i could kill for her ,but i moved to usa ,and never loved again


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flakeybark said:
I've fallen in love a couple of times, or been close to it. Sometimes its difficult to tell.

The first guy was someone who I met treeplanting. Usually I shy away from guys altogether, but it was different this time because I had a boyfriend and therefore it did not feel like it was even an option. Plus, he had someone he was interested in on his end. Anyway, we became really good friends. Mostly it was just sillyness. But I felt lighthearted around this person, things generally felt pretty effortless. We made each other laugh, and looked out for one another. Basically it was the most 'at home' I've felt with anyone for a very long time. I remember he had bought this crappy Canadian Tire tent (he was extremely conservative with money) that eventually caved in and flooded with rain, so I let him bunk in with me for a couple nights. Nothing ever happened between us, I mean that we never established a physical connection. Mostly we just stayed up and talked nonsense and listened to Agatha Christie stories on my Ipod and complained about how miserable our present lives were (the job, etc.). I'm pretty sure the entire camp thought we were sleeping together, and I felt a lot of guilt for that even though I didn't think I was trespassing on grounds of infidelity. It was not until he left the camp (he had to leave a few days early) that I realized my true feelings, which so often seems to be the case. I felt as though I had lost a part of myself, and really, in a way I had. He brought out this whole other side of me that I had nearly forgotten existed. When I came back home and I saw my boyfriend I realized how much I had just been deluding myself with this person. The feelings between us weren't love but more to do with feelings of insecurity. I felt an incredible guilt and torment and tried to make things work for a while but eventually I broke it off.

Before he left camp we exchanged email addresses (he lived several hours from me) and we wrote each other for a while. We even discussed the idea of going on a trip together, but I felt like I wouldn't be able to face him again knowing how I felt. Plus i was really confused about everything, coming out of that relationship, and knew that it was the wrong time. He had many ambitions to travel and see the world and I had my own and they did not include one another.

Sometimes I really feel as though we are not meant to marry these people. Our 'soul mates'. The people who share the same heart beat. That we meet up with them and they remind us of who we really are and it is enough just knowing they are out there in the world. I'm not sure. Love works in strange ways.

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