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Well-known member
I started diving right into posts before introducing myself.

So, Hello! I'm just some woman...with issues. ;) I'm married to an excessively social man who started out being just like me(as in not really interested in a lot of bullchit people interractions) then he changed somehow. So in addition to being a social moron, I'm also having marital struggles. yippee.

Well, I hope being here will help me cope and I hope in addition to getting good advice and commiseration I can also give some good advice and support too.


Well-known member
Welcome to the forum, Violet!

I'm sure you'll find some comfort in being able to talk with others who are experiencing similar problems.
Just keep in mind... you are the only person who can fix your problems- mental and marital.
I wish you the best, though! Marriage is hard without all of the complications that can be thrown in with change.

All of that aside... it's lovely to meet you.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
I started diving right into posts before introducing myself.

So, Hello! I'm just some woman...with issues. ;) I'm married to an excessively social man who started out being just like me(as in not really interested in a lot of bullchit people interractions) then he changed somehow. So in addition to being a social moron, I'm also having marital struggles. yippee.

Well, I hope being here will help me cope and I hope in addition to getting good advice and commiseration I can also give some good advice and support too.

Try to get your husband to share the secret of how he managed to change. Then write it all down, send it off to a publisher of self-help books, and sit back and watch the money roll in. :)

In the meantime, welcome to SPW!


Well-known member
thank you for the welcome everyone:)

superfluouslyme...thanks!(i actually stumbled reading your name at first but I really like it a lot! one thing i've noticed here is everyone has a really unique and creative way about them whether it's usernames or quotes,etc...it's very refreshing to see that!