Did anyone ever turn u down for telling them ur issues?


Well-known member
I feel like I can relate to your problem. People will talk to me, and treat me okay like everyone else. But if I actually tell them after they have gotten to know me a bit, then they stay clear of me, and treat me differently. I tell them I have SA and depression and what was once a good friendly relationship, is no more... Then they will sometimes think that everyone just gets nervous and my SA is no different than anyone elses anxiety. Then if I tell them just how bad it is for me, like I went on my very first date when I was 37 years old, then they are cold to me and just leave me alone. SA is the kiss of death for someone who wants a relationship. I have no hope ever finding someone... It's such an isolated lonely miserable life...


Well-known member
Well... no, I personally don't like to open up to people about my problems until I know and trust them quite well. Some people can handle it, and others can't. It isn't their fault if they don't understand, they don't need to, because they don't deal with it. That doesn't make them ignorant, it's just not a part of their lives like it is for us. I can get on quite well with people like this because I find other common interests and don't feel the need to talk about my problems with everyone.

I think there should be more awareness of SA... for I didn't know it existed before finding this forum. But I find that educating others on the topic is quite rude, especially if you don't know them. If people want to know about our personal ordeals, they'll ask. It's okay here though, for SPW is like a support network, we're all in the same boat. That's just my opinion anyway.