Did anyone else end up in the ER because of anxiety?


Well-known member
My first anxiety/panic attack only occurred later on in life, I had no clue that I was suffering from anxiety and ended up in the hospitals Emergency Room with a suspected heart attack.

Needless to say, I was very embarrassed when my doc came back and told me it was a panic attack. I was just wondering, has anyone else been in this same situation?


Well-known member
My aunt has. She was the worst person to attempt to understand my anxiety but after that happened she backed off, suddenly respecting what it's like to get those regularly.

I've had some close calls. I faint, that's my main symptom when it's an actual attack, and naturally people call 911. But I've yet to get landed in a hospital! I feel like wearing a sign saying, "Don't freak out. Back in a minute."


Well-known member
Thanks for your reply Seafolly,

Isn't it amazing how peoples perceptions of anxiety or panic attacks can change the moment they either experience them or begin to understand them themselves?

As for the bit about the sign around your neck - LOL I think it is a fantastic idea! ;)