

I have SA but this happens's more like I have a sudden, two second revelation that this supposed life I am living is all a dream and that I should wake up


Active member
i get it all the time, oddly enough sometimes i like it because its similar to a drug feeling ive had. ive also hallucinated from anxiety and ptsd


Well-known member
first depersonalization that i think of happened to me at age 8 , on my second school excursion. i dont think it is drug related lol

the whole thing is so unreal that i believe it is ultimatively to person that has such issue also has some degree of SA or at least some form of anxiety.


New member
I think I have experienced this while using marijuana, but I am not sure. It is extremely difficult for me to describe but I will try.

I felt like I was trapped in my own body, and became INTENSELY ... 'introverted' I guess you could say to the point of not being able to hear anything around me, except my own voice when I spoke. And when i spoke, it sounded LOUD in my head, and it also sounded FAKE. Like I had forgotten how to show any emotion, like what was coming from my mouth was either fake/forced, or was being spoken by somebody else. During this phase I become intensely aware of how others see me, very anxious, and even scared.

I don't know if this is depersonalization or not but it is a terrible state of mind to be in.


Well-known member
well maybe sometimes was just like you described but..

my sensation was that my soul has left my body , and cannot go back in there lol

like i m positioned about 2-3 meters up in the air above my body
[it is disguisting]

usually after few hours of this, i cant stand it & i have some sort of breakdown,cry loud and somehow all returns to hm normal.

Recently i feel lucky that i dont have it; or have some partial variants of it.

once i induced it by marijuana, which i used only few times in my life as trying to see if that would be a social lubricant. it seemes that it only intenese the volume of my emotions;well, like a sort of way


Well-known member
Wow, I never knew this had a name lol... I have had such experiences before. Usually I will do or say something or think I did or said something and then awhile later I'll start to question whether or not I actually did do them with no actual proof that I did. Or I'll have a thought and I won't want to say it out loud but I do anyways (as if I didn't have control) and then right after I say it I think to myslef "I'm sooooo annoying" :p. Hence, sometimes I feel as if I'm me but at the same time I'm not.
i dont know what that word means. but almost everyday i feel this thing, i feel detached from this world n think everyone is against me. it happens to me mostly everyday when i wake up from sleep. i think n feel so uneasy like oh damn why am i in this world, n every1 is planning on killin me. well thats how i feel every time i wake up from a sleep


I get Depersonalization so so much.I'm not sure if it is a coping mechanism due to my problems,or its a side affect of my problems.But it's horrible,it makes depression look good...because at least with depression you can still feel.

There is nothing worse than being so numb and empty,you know things are really bad but you don't even have the emotion to care.I try and distract myself in games and books,however I can,but nothing really helps.