[Deleted for personal reasons]

I'm very much like this. Can only read long texts that I enjoy. Rarely find a 'cant put down' book. Will usually skim rather than read.

I'm a visual person, so prefer movies to books. Also auditory as I listen to radio a lot.

In the classroom I find older students like to have a text book to follow, while younger ones refuse to read books. Is the Internet a factor?

Edit: Forgot to say that I find many people's posts here very enjoyably readable, SPW is like a good book to me
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^ I totally get what you mean by 'visual person'. I rarely remember a person's name useless they make a nuclear crater of an impression. Yet I have no problem remembering their faces and/or avatars.

Unfortunately it even strikes me here allot. Sometimes I'll force myself to read the longer posts and just respond in a helpful manor, but allot times I just can't do it. My heartbeat increases, I get all sweaty, start making a ton of grammatic mistakes. It's just one big mess, really. :/


Well-known member
Hm, I wonder what the role of computers and internet is too... There have been studies that showed changes in human brain..
The EMG (electro magnetic field) can be a problem too..

And of course the content of the posts/books.. some posts here can be emotionally 'difficult' and I'm not always up to reading them too..

And the form - is it all jumbled together or are there nice easy-to-read paragraphs? When people are upset, sometimes things get jumbled up.. And also the 'upset' can seep through the lines and may make things difficult to read for some people sometimes..

Also, people with ADD don't like to read books... :D Have you checked if you might have it too? I can be ADD-ish at times (inattentive ADD mostly) and reading their forum was somewhat helpful to me too, like this one..
I've seen ADD could be related to some vitamin/mineral and lifestyle imbalances too, like depression or OCD or other mental health problems.. Maybe it just depends on the 'dosages', many people can have several of these things..

I've made more grammar mistakes on these or ADD forums sometimes too, not sure why... Or with people who were sort of strict about grammar.. (Maybe because some people here can like good grammar?) Or because you rush to write stuff, and forget about typing it right too..? Or there is info overload from stuff read? (Or you're hungry when posting? :D) not sure..
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Well-known member
Sometimes when i have a lot to do during the day, i can't focus on one thing, especially if it was reading. When this happens, i speed read, and don't retain anything.

To help, i stop, relax, and try to figure out why im racing so much. I tell myself it doesn't help me or benefit me in any way to speed up. And, if this doesn't work(i don't expect being rational to fix things all the time), i put the reading down, and do the chores, jobs, etc, that are causing me to get anxious.

Your problem might be a little different, but thats what happens to me.