Day dreaming

I am constantly floating in a dream. (or maybe a nightmare?)

As a child, it was okay- people found my dreamy attitude charming.
As a teen, people thought I was a weirdo and told me to grow up, when really- I was far more grown up than any of them.

I grew up fast. A 30 year old in a 6 year old's body; raising my baby brother while mom worked 2 fulltime jobs to pay the bills by herself.
I started working as soon as I was old enough, to pay bills-- never wore new clothing, never went on a vacation, never had shiny new toys.
Worked 3 jobs all through highschool and ended up giving the money I'd saved for college to mom after our van was stolen- because we needed transportation to get to work. I don't expect her to ever pay me back.

So, yeah-- I can pretend, I can have an imagination, I can daydream and anyone who doesn't like it can kiss my ***.
Dream on, children~ work hard and dream.

Wow Wierdy, you're a really responsible person. I can't even think of doing all those stuff ;) I'm just so irresponsible and possibly even a little selfish by always living in my own little world.


Well-known member
I am constantly floating in a dream. (or maybe a nightmare?)

As a child, it was okay- people found my dreamy attitude charming.
As a teen, people thought I was a weirdo and told me to grow up, when really- I was far more grown up than any of them.

I grew up fast. A 30 year old in a 6 year old's body; raising my baby brother while mom worked 2 fulltime jobs to pay the bills by herself.
I started working as soon as I was old enough, to pay bills-- never wore new clothing, never went on a vacation, never had shiny new toys.
Worked 3 jobs all through highschool and ended up giving the money I'd saved for college to mom after our van was stolen- because we needed transportation to get to work. I don't expect her to ever pay me back.

So, yeah-- I can pretend, I can have an imagination, I can daydream and anyone who doesn't like it can kiss my ***.
Dream on, children~ work hard and dream.

This whole story is awesome!
Dream on!


Well-known member
Yes, it's easy, I hate my life --> I imagine something better.

And even if it's my imagination and it's better, for some reason I'm still a loser there o.0


Well-known member
Yes, it's easy, I hate my life --> I imagine something better.

And even if it's my imagination and it's better, for some reason I'm still a loser there o.0

You're not a loser man, don't think like that!
Your life can be improved, you can change it to how you want it!

I'm very confident today, sorry lol, but yeh at my core I am confident and hopeful but I do have down days but seriously don't ever think of yourself as a loser!


Well-known member
You're not a loser man, don't think like that!
Your life can be improved, you can change it to how you want it!

I'm very confident today, sorry lol, but yeh at my core I am confident and hopeful but I do have down days but seriously don't ever think of yourself as a loser!
I'm sorry but I'll have to disagree.
But what is true is that it can be improved if I make a change in it, somehow.


You're not a loser man, don't think like that!
Your life can be improved, you can change it to how you want it!

I'm very confident today, sorry lol, but yeh at my core I am confident and hopeful but I do have down days but seriously don't ever think of yourself as a loser!
If you could change your life the way you want it, wouldn't we all be outgoing. MotherWolff thinks its much harder than that.


Well-known member
If you could change your life the way you want it, wouldn't we all be outgoing. MotherWolff thinks its much harder than that.

Not for me I like being in the house more than going out, I don't have problems going out to pubs and things, I get nervous though but I can do it, don't think I am that bad at it though sometimes it gets really bad and I just stay in and don't go out at all.

Is that what it would be like for you, if you could change something it would result in you been outgoing more? I'm personally enjoy hobbies too much that usually consist of a tv or a book rather than outdoor stuff unless it was say skateboarding or snowboarding then I'd want to be outside.