dark bags around eyes


As title goes Ive had it bad for last 3 years,im only young and people come up asking who ive been fighting as there that bad

is it stress? not lack of sleep I know that for a fact lol


Well-known member
It could be stress, too much sleep, depression, etc.

I am 22 and have darkish bags under my eyes and I hate it.


Well-known member
Same here, it's not too bad tho. But my eyes swell up when im nervous and that makes me even more self conscious and nervous. I hate it...:(
Apricots and almonds r good for skin, dunno about cranberry...


Well-known member
I have the same problem. Very dark circles under my eyes... And they're difficult to cover up. I've always thought it was a vitamin deficiency of vitamin K... But stress/anxiety is also possible...


Well-known member
I'm very self conscious about mine, my doc has told me that they're likely genetic so there's not much I can do about it, and they probably are because I've had them since I was a kid. Hate how they make me look tired and really sick all the time. I'd like to try and cover them up but I'm a guy.

Apple Strudel

Well-known member
I have it too. Once, I pulled an all nighter and the eye bags looked like bruises to me and one even stretched out far down my cheeks.


Well-known member
Vitamin e cream mixed with water does the trick for me for under eye circles, but then again I'm vegan now so I don't know if it'll work for non-vegans. Instead of commercial soap, I just rub skin gently with a baking soda/water mix (make sure baking soda doesn't get too close to eyes or under eyes), rinse, rub softly witch hazel on skin for prevention and treatment of acne and then put the vitamin e and water on and let dry. I use baking soda and water for my teeth also, but I make sure to lightly brush away from the gum line because the particles are harsh to flesh.

The dark circle could be diet also, I would drink more water for our bodies are 75% water. Rest and exercise is also good. If all else fails it's just genetics....


Well-known member
I have had bad case of bags under my eyes,as early as I can remember.What I hate is that I have blood veins under my eyes that you can see if I'm even a little tired.

It could be stress and in some cases genetics.